Austin McBroom calls out “clown” AnEsonGib over press conference drama

Virginia Glaze

YouTube star Austin McBroom is calling out fellow creator AnEsonGib after he claimed he never got an invite to the press conference for their upcoming boxing match.

The ACE Family’s Austin McBroom is set to face off against British YouTuber AnEsonGib later this month — but Gib claims that he wasn’t given an invite to the presser.

A press conference for their upcoming bout is slated for July 12. In response to a tweet announcing the date, Gib wrote: “I’m Main Event… they didn’t even invite me.”

Of course, this claim came as quite a shock to fans, who assumed they’d be seeing Gib show up for the presser at the allotted time.

However, according to McBroom, other factors are to blame for Gib’s press conference kerfuffle.

Over on Instagram, McBroom shared a series of screenshots showing conversations between Gib’s manager and the event promoter, where McBroom claimed that Gib had been told about the conference date well in advance.

It appears as though the presser was initially scheduled to take place in New York. Later conversations show Gib’s manager saying that the conference date was “too late now” due to Gib’s training camp.

“Too short notice to fit in a US trip in time,” he wrote. “Needed to be sooner than now. Can do something remote though.”

Austin McBroom instagram story gib press conference
McBroom shared screenshots of text conversations between AnEsonGib’s manager and the event promoter.

McBroom wasn’t amused by the explanation. “Someone please tell me where this is,” he wrote, pointing out that Gib had flown to Oman — a country in the Arabian peninsula — to train. “Is this lil boy even going to make it to LA July 30? Wasting his damn time way out there just to get an a** whoopin’.”

For now, it’s unclear if Gib will be able to make it to the press conference at all – but Gib has claimed that McBroom may have prematurely announced the time and location without speaking to all parties involved.

For more information about the fight, including where to stream the event, check out our hub with everything you need to know to tune in.