Cody Ko slams YouTube for showing nothing but Tiktok stars on top of trending page

Alan Bernal

YouTuber Cody Michael Kolodziejzyk, known as Cody Ko, took aim at the video hosting platform for highlighting a spree of content on its trending page exclusively promoting TikTok stars like Charli & Dixie D’Amelio, Noah Beck, Larray, Chase Hudson, and more.

While there’s been a slew of new personalities rising through the ranks of TikTok, some of the biggest names have been making the most of their minute of fame by branching to other forms of content.

The D’Amelio sisters, for example, have been under the wing of YouTube veteran James Charles, and each have been featuring on collabs or trendy challenges for the last few months.

As big as these people have become, Cody Ko thought it was kind of funny how YouTube’s curated Trending page featured some of the biggest players on TikTok – a rising competitor in the social media sphere.

“Nice to see the YouTube trending page promoting different types of content!” Cody Ko said in disbelief, seeing how every video was essentially a different segment of the same band of content creators.

The screenshot he included has a series of holiday related content featuring the same band of TikTokkers with videos of them on respective channels.

While it makes sense that the rotating faces of the same six creators would trend with each other, Cody Ko found it humorous that YouTube would spotlight them so heavily on purpose.

“I’m not mad, lol. I just think it’s funny. Also the trending page is curated by people that work at YouTube,” Cody Ko said in response to someone that suggested the YouTube algorithm had something to do with the list of videos.

According to YouTube’s help page on the Trending page, the company tries to feature at least half of the videos on it from people who are primarily creating content for YouTuber in most major markets.

Though there’s about 50 videos in the active Trending page, most of the top 10 on the list features the Best Friends that includes Charles, the D’Amelio sisters, etc.

While those creators bring in a ton of views on their own, there’s been some criticism about YouTube showing these viral personalities on Trending instead of up-and-coming talent on the platform.