Twitch streamer’s dog gives birth to adorable puppies live on stream

Terry Oh
Twitch Puppies

During the middle of a live broadcast, a Twitch streamer’s dog gave birth to six adorable puppies. The moment initially caused anxiety, as the streamer frantically provided aid to their dog, but their triumph transformed the event into a celebration of life.

Twitch streamer ‘Endingtag’ was just streaming regularly on September 14 when, in the background on her bed, her dog started giving birth.

Recognizing the signs, Endingtag was initially scared and didn’t want to show the moment on stream. However once it all progressed too far, the content started flowing.

“Oh my god, it’s literally happening. There’s a f**king baby is outside her f**king ass. Oh my god. Oh my god.”

During the actual birthing, the streamer calms down substantially and gets to work, helping their dog deliver the puppies. Despite the initial anxiety and unease, Endingtag successfully helps their dog give birth to six adorable puppies, all while staying on stream.

The entire process can be seen on in this VOD.

Shortly after helping deliver the puppies, Endingtag ended the stream to focus taking care of the baby dogs. They continued providing updates on Twitter, sharing pictures alongside updating the community on the status of the mom as well: “We have 6 cuties all healthy and feeding.”

On their last update for the night, Endingtag stated: “Of course [I’m going to] show them all off tomorrow during stream. Donations coming in the rest of the month will go towards getting these little ones shots, neutered, toys, etc!”