Game Critic TotalBiscuit Retires Following Unsuccessful Cancer Treatment

Ross Deason

One of the gaming industry’s longest serving members has made the decision to step away from game criticism after his cancer treatment proved to be unsuccessful.

John ‘TotalBiscuit’ Bain has been one of the most recognizable personalities in the gaming community for a number of years but ongoing health issues have made him decide to step away from his role in the spotlight.

The 46 year old was diagnosed with cancer back in 2014 and has been fighting it ever since but he announced in a recent update that his oncologist has told him that his body has now become “resistant to all forms” of chemotherapy.

He went on to explain that his “liver is failing and its effectiveness has lowered past the point where the clinical trials I had been offered would take me on” and that this is causing him chronic pain.

TotalBiscuit stated that he is now coming to terms with the fact that he doesn’t have long left and that he now needs to focus on “getting my quality-of-life to as good a standard as possible”.

With that said, he has made the decision to retire from his career as a games critic, citing a lack of clear thoughts due to medication and an unreliable schedule making the job too stressful and unsatisfactory compared to previous years.

This doesn’t mean that he will disappearing from your screens entirely, though, as he will continue to produce some content on YouTube and Twitch with his wife:


“Does that mean I’m done with Youtube and Twitch? Nope, blokes gotta make a living. I have a family to consider and there’s no such thing as “too much” when it comes to what I leave them when I go out kicking and screaming. I want to spend the rest of my time with the two things I love the most, my family and my work. I’m transitioning my Youtube and Twitch work over to gameplay with my wife.”


His popular podcast, Co-optional, will also be sticking around with a slightly shorter format of around two hours per episode.

TotalBiscuit revealed that this is likely to be his last health update “unless some miracle happens or we do indeed find a trial” and asked fans not to speculate about how long he has left.

We would like to wish TotalBiscuit the best and hope that he can find some comfort in the coming months.