Ghost Gaming Moving Out of $14m Hollywood Mansion – Clout Gang Expected to Take Over Lease

Ghost Gaming will be moving out of their $!4 million Hollywood Mansion, and it is expected that Clout Gang will be taking over the lease in the future

After moving into a massive $14 million dollar mansion back in 2017, it appears that Ghost Gaming will be vacating the premises and looking for new ‘scheduling options’ down the line.

The mansion is valued at over $10 million and housed members from a collection of different teams under the Ghost Gaming banner in complete and utter luxury since the organization took over the lease.

Players and organization members enjoyed 10 bedrooms, 18 bathrooms, a personal chef, private gym, swimming pool, and a collection of other awesome luxuries.

However, on June 26th it was announced by Rob, the General Manager of Ghost, that they will be moving out of the house, and that it has been ‘a great year allowing our teams to live this lifestyle.’

It is expected that Clout Gang, a group of YouTubers and personalities including FaZe Banks, Ricegum, Alissa Violet, Sommer Ray, and other will be moving into the house and taking over the lease after Banks stated that the group will be expanding to two more properties near their original Hollywood home.

According to Banks, the move would could Clout Gang a staggering $100,000 per month, however, it is not directly confirmed that they will be taking over the Ghost Gaming house at the timne or writing, or if it will be a separate property.