IRL Twitch streamer stuns random kids by shouting Harry Potter spells at them

Emma Hill
IRL Twitch streamer heybbibbi using different Harry Potter spells against kids

Korean IRL Twitch streamer ‘heybbibbi’ showed off her spellcasting skills against some fellow Harry Potter fans during her tour around the UK.

IRL streamers have taken their fans on some wild and exciting adventures around the world. Thanks to them, Twitch viewers have been able to explore places they might never have seen before.

Some creators have experienced a scary moment or two during their IRL streams. However, many more have wowed viewers with their fun globetrotting antics.

This was certainly the case for heybbibbi who took her fans on a tour around the UK and the Harry Potter fan made sure to make it as magical as possible.

Heybbibbi goes on Harry Potter tour around UK

Heybbibbi, who has 11.9K followers on Twitch, was taking her viewers on a Harry Potter-inspired tour around the city of York in the UK on August 29. To top off the theme, she sported a Gryffindor scarf and carried a replica of Lord Voldemort’s wand as seen in the box office breaking film franchise.

She then made a walk up to the rocky crags of Malham Cove in the Yorkshire countryside where part of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One’ was filmed.

Then, as she was practising her spell casting skills using her wand that she came across a group of kids who started shouting famous spells from the popular books and she decided to join in.

The group subsequently engaged in a wizarding match. However, as she ran up to them screaming “Expecto Patronum” the kids backed down.

With her chat shocked by the moment, she replied: “You guys are making me feel so shameful. They started it!”

As an avid Harry Potter fan, no doubt heybbibbi will be counting own the days until the release of the highly-anticipated Hogwarts Legacy. However, with calls for Potterverse fans to boycott the game, many are still split over whether to buy it.