Jake Paul extends new fight offer to Tommy Fury with big pay day

Jacob Hale
jake paul and tommy fury

Jake Paul has extended a brand new fight offer to Tommy Fury, as their bout scheduled for August 6 seems on the verge of collapse.

On June 27, Fury was denied entry into the United States, leaving serious doubts over whether he would be able to make it Stateside for his fight against YouTuber Jake Paul.

The bout has been in the works for months, with Tommy already pulling out once, in December 2021.

Now, with the younger Fury brother unable to make it into the States — believed to be due to his family’s links with boxing manager Daniel Kinahan, a suspected criminal that has also prevented older brother Tyson Fury from entering the States — the fight has been thrown into disarray once again.

With rumors circulating that Jake already has a new opponent being locked in, with Hasim Rahman Jr. expected to square off against him in Madison Square Garden, neither Jake nor Tommy have given up on their fight.

Tommy posted a statement to Twitter, saying he’s “confident this fight will happen” and that he will “fight in a neutral country that both parties can enter.”

Shortly after, Jake responded on his Twitter account, saying: “I’m confident you are a scared little boy who doesn’t want to fight or understand business. I will pay you $500K to fight me in the UK. I will do it shortly after August 6. You accept?”

Tommy responded, saying that he “wouldn’t get out of bed to fight you for $500k,” asking Jake  to “let me know when you’re ready to have a serious conversation.”

With the entire situation still very much up in the air, this is yet another lifeline extended from Jake to Tommy, who looks likely to have to wait even longer for his big payday against Jake Paul.

A fight in the UK would definitely be preferred for Tommy, with no travel concerns and able to fight in front of a home crowd.

Based on what Jake said, too, this could come sooner rather than later — but only time will tell before something is made official.