Jimmy Kimmel enlists band Dawes to cover viral TikTok song about Menthol Soap

Alice Hearing
Riley and Dustin on Jimmy Kimmel after song about Menthol Soap goes viral

Jimmy Kimmel has enlisted rock band Dawes to cover a song from a viral TikTok about menthol soap, surprising the creators involved – and it is just as crazy as it sounds. 

It all began when Duston Baker was taking a shower, and instead of picking up normal soap, he picked up menthol soap that his wife had accidentally bought for him. Of course, using the soap was particularly uncomfortable for poor Duston, prompting him to come up with his own song about the traumatic experience.

The song is hilarious, surprisingly catchy, and features the lyrics “Well, I worked all day and I worked all night, I wanna come home and feel alright but something’s got me shaking in my skin, I opened it up and slathered it on, now I’m sitting here singing this song, I washed my ass with menthol soap again.”

As he often sings the song, his wife Riley decided to record it one day and post it to TikTok, thinking nothing of it – since, at the time, she only had 25 followers. To their surprise, the TikTok blew up and has now been viewed more than 8 million times.

Jimmy Kimmel spotted the viral video and subsequently invited the couple to be interviewed live on his show. Duston described the experience of using menthol soap, adding that he had physically recovered, but not mentally.

Duston also added that as a young man he’d always wanted to be a rockstar, and now his mom claims he’s done it with the song becoming an overnight sensation, and even his friends at home call him “menthol man.”

But Jimmy decided to take the song to the next level and surprised the couple with a live rock cover of the song by the band Dawes, who added their own professional twist to the already incredible verse. Riley and Duston were completely shocked, dying with laughter and singing along.

As a finishing touch, Jimmy even offered the couple a porcelain record version of the track. Little did Riley know that a simple mistake in her day-to-day shopping would result in world fame.