KSI mocks Austin McBroom’s sparring footage ahead of AnEsonGib fight

Virginia Glaze
ksi mocks austin mcbroom sparring footage

YouTube star KSI couldn’t help but laugh at Austin McBroom after the ACE Family influencer knocked out his sparring partner ahead of his match against AnEsonGib.

Austin McBroom is gearing up to take on British YouTuber AnEsonGib in just a few days’ time.

Initially, the pair were slated to box on July 30, but health issues for Gib caused their bout to get delayed. Now, they’re facing off on September 10… and it looks like McBroom is more than ready to face his opponent from across the pond.

On September 6, footage circulated showing Austin McBroom knocking out his sparring partner with an uppercut, sending the man falling down onto the ropes.

While some fans were impressed, others theorized that the entire video was staged — not the first accusation of its kind in the influencer boxing world.

KSI laughs at Austin McBroom’s sparring footage

KSI is among those who aren’t too impressed with McBroom’s boxing skills. He took a shot at the ACE Family YouTuber over on Twitter, where he retweeted the sparring video with the caption: “HAHAHAHAHAHA.”

This is far from the first time KSI has called out McBroom; in fact, the two stars sparked boxing rumors between them earlier this year after Austin called out KSI for a boxing match “at the end of the year” when it was revealed the British star would be fighting Swarmz instead of Alex Wassabi.

That’s not all; McBroom has been vying for a fight with KSI for some time, even challenging KSI to a match all the way back in 2021 over on Instagram… but KSI has never been keen on taking him up on the offer, notably slamming the YouTuber this August.

“My man thinks he’s f**kin’ Floyd Mayweather,” KSI explained. “He’s gonna ask for millions. He thinks he’s worth millions. He’s not worth anything!”

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For now, it’s clear that KSI isn’t willing to fight Austin McBroom… but he’s definitely game to clown on the YouTuber ahead of his match with Gib, a fellow Brit and friend of the Sidemen.