LG streamer in tears after claiming she was scammed by merch company

Bill Cooney

Update 2/4/20: GMP has responded to Dexerto and said the situation with Pareno was a “miscommunication between the gentleman that was trying to manage Tori, The GMP and Tori herself.”

“We designed, printed, and hosted Tori’s website free of charge,” GMP told Dexerto in an email. “We had an agreement between the GMP and Tori’s manager that was supposed to be a once-a-month payment of 50% of the revenue that was made. Her 1st payment would have been today [Feb. 3] based on the launch date of her website, which was January 1.”

“After seeing Tori’s video of her pouring out her feelings to Twitter, we then reached out to her to see where all this was coming from, and she stated the problem was not with us – it was the promises she was given by the gentleman that was trying to manage her,” GMP continued. “We have rectified the situation with Tori and we are sending her a payment this week. We never got any customer complaints about merch being delivered on an untimely basis.”

Pareno has yet to comment on the situation at the time of this update. The original story can be read below:

Luminosity Gaming streamer Tori Pareno gave an emotional apology on Twitter after fans complained that they weren’t receiving merchandise they bought from her site and a had lack of customer support.

Pareno joined Luminosity in 2019 and continues to grow her fanbase on Twitch, Instagram, YouTube, and even TikTok.

As with most content creators these days, Pareno decided to set up a merch store for fans, but things didn’t seem to go smoothly as the streamer begged fans to not order any more items from her website on February 2.

“Due to a few inconveniences, my website will NOT be active for the time being,” Pareno wrote on Feb. 2. “Please don’t make any purchases from this point on since im not sure if the “team” I was working with will continue to send out merch or fix my website.”

She followed up the tweet with a couple of tearful videos addressing the issue the next day, while apologizing to fans who hadn’t received the items they had purchased as well.

“I was working with a team who wanted to help me start up my merch site, and they said I was going to get paid in a month,” a tearful Pareno explained. “The month happened, I didn’t get paid for any of the merch you guys have purchased.”

“I wanted to do this for you guys, you know?” The streamer told her fans. “This was my first merch launch and it failed so badly, because like, all the red flags just flew over my head.”

Pareno reiterated her warning to fans that they shouldn’t purchase anything else from her website, since there was no way for her to make sure they would receive the items they paid for.

“Please do not purchase anything on my website. Do not. I’m not sure if you’re going to receive anything, I’m not sure if I’m going to receive anything,” she said. “In the end, the people who “helped” me, they didn’t even take down the website, and I can’t do anything about it.”

Dexerto reached out to the company that set up Pareno’s site, GMP distribution, for comment on the allegations, and have included their response in an update at the top of this article.

Hopefully, for Pareno and her fans, the merch issue can be easily resolved, but it does go to show why content creators should be cautious about who they decide to go into business with online.