MoistCr1TiKal criticizes Nadeshot’s response to Froste’s 100 Thieves accusations

Calum Patterson
moistcr1tikal on YouTUbe

YouTuber Charlie ‘MoistCr1TiKal’ White has criticized 100 Thieves CEO Nadeshot over his response to accusations made by former member Froste, about the amount paid to ‘The Mob’ content group.

In late August, Froste accused 100 Thieves of making ‘The Mob’ (the content group he was part of with Avalanche, Classy, and Mako) “broke.” He claimed that they were unable to pay the high LA rent and had to skip meals in order to afford it.

Nadeshot hit back on the same day, in a lengthy livestream where he argued The Mob members did not “work” and took for granted their position in the organization. He also disputed Froste’s claim that 95% of revenue from sponsorship deals would be retained by the org, claiming that The Mob in fact kept 65%.

However, Nadeshot did confirm that the normal split is 85% to the org – something MoistCr1TiKal called out as an “outrageous amount.”

“To me, that’s not an amazing look,” Moist said, referring to Nadeshot stating they actually take 85%, not 95%.

“I’ve seen so many people defending this number saying sh*t like ‘well, they wouldn’t have had the sponsorships without 100 Thieves, so they’re entitled to 85%, and they were generous enough to only take 35.’

“That is a fat stinky L of a take right there. That kind of naive mentality is exactly why so many creators have been getting f**ked in the face for the last ten years online.”

However, Moist does say “I don’t think Nadeshot is doing this maliciously, this is just how the industry has been for about a decade. Where the big businesses know that these people are young enough to not make a big ‘hoopla’ about the sponsorship cut that they take.”

Moist then plugs his own agency, Human Media Group, which brings sponsorship and advertisement to creators, and claims that they only take 15% of those deals: “That should be the norm.”

He called the 85% figure “disgusting” and argued the absolute maximum should be 25%.

Many have countered Cr1TiKal’s take however by arguing that The Mob was not popular enough on their own to land such lucrative sponsorship deals, and that those deals were only feasible because of their connection to 100 Thieves.