Mr Beast & Moistcr1tikal slam Twitch for “spitting” on streamers amid YouTube rivalry

Sam Comrie
Charlie moistcr1tikal mrbeast

As the competition between Twitch and YouTube Gaming continues to heat up, Mr Beast and Moistcr1tkal have taken swipes at Twitch for “spitting” on creators as YouTube makes major changes.

Over the years, there have been plenty of outlets to stream on, but Twitch has reigned supreme for quite some time. Other challengers have come and gone,  but YouTube is seemingly making an imprint in Twitch’s monopoly.

After signing a handful of Twitch’s biggest names, YouTube has also confirmed that they’ve been working with streamers to bring Twitch-like features to the platform – including Gifted Memberships, the ability to raid other channels, and more.

As YouTube has made changes, Twitch has stood somewhat still – even ignoring backlash from streamers and pressing on with the controversial paid boost feature. The Amazon-backed platform has even been accused of “spitting” in the face of creators by Moistcr1tkal and Mr Beast.

mrbeast moistcritikal mrbeast burger moist melt sandwich
The two creators have collaborated on a new product at Mr Beast’s food chain.

Twitch is “spitting” in the face of creators

With streaming staples such as TimTheTatMan, Valkyrae, and DrLupo now utilizing YouTube as a viable streaming outlet, the platform can lay claim to having some of the biggest personalities in the scene on it’s side now, and is closing the gap on Twitch.

In a pointed response to YouTube’s plans to improve their streaming platform moving into 2022, Moistcr1tkal claimed that “Twitch doesn’t have the streaming monopoly it thinks it does.”

The content creator noted that “YouTube is making huge moves” as “Twitch keeps spitting on its streamers” by ignoring their complaints. Mr Beast quipped that it’s almost like Twitch “want them (YouTube) to win” by standing still.

While Twitch hasn’t announced any direct moves to counter YouTube’s streaming rise, Moist added that “they will have some real competition” if meaningful changes aren’t introduced soon. With YouTube dominating the traditional means of video content creation, getting more streamers onside can only take the platform into a bold, fresh era.

YouTube’s initial ideas may be Twitch-inspired, but who knows what could happen in the future.