Myth stunned after Valorant stream sniper reveals how they get into his matches

Connor Bennett
Myth side-by-side with Cyperh from Valorant

Twitch star Ali ‘Myth’ Kabbani was left blown away after a stream sniper revealed how they’ve been able to get into all his recent Valorant games despite his best efforts to avoid them. 

Over the years, the art of stream sniping has been taken to new levels across different communities on Twitch. There are, of course, some helpful stream snipers who want to carry a streamer through a game, but there are others who just want to troll too and get their moment in the spotlight.

In a bid to combat stream snipers, streamers will often put a delay on their broadcast or hide their screen when they’re searching for a game. Though, these practices don’t always help.

In the case of Myth, he’s dealing with a stream sniper who can’t really be dealt with as they’re using code to find when he’s queuing up in Valorant, which shocked the former TSM star.

myth valorant
Like many streamers, Myth has dealt with his fair share of snipers.

Myth had to deal with the stream sniper, again, during his June 3 stream, where he finally questioned them on how they keep finding their way into his game.

The stream sniper revealed that their friend had written a program using the game’s API, which allows them to queue at the same time as Myth and join his game as if they were queuing together. This, unsurprisingly, shocked Myth. “What the f**k? Dude, I was wondering bro,” a stunned Myth said.

“I always wondered how the f**k you were able to get into every queue even when I had a delay on and I was covering (my screen).” The stream sniper further shocked Myth by noting how he’d gotten into a recent game where the queue fell apart before he even showed his team. “I hate this so much,” he replied.

While some stream snipers have become fixtures on streams – who can ever forget Shroud’s ‘Banana man’ troll from PUBG – their presence isn’t always welcome.

Plus, using the game’s API could land the sniper and their pal in trouble with Riot Games, never mind just drawing the ire of Myth.