Ninja explains why he wants a new video platform to overtake YouTube

Jacob Hale
YouTube, Mixer: Ninja

Mixer streamer Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins has explained why he thinks it’s time for a new video service to take the main stage and “go up against YouTube.”

In the last couple of years, Ninja has seen unprecedented success on Twitch, Mixer and, of course, YouTube, but it appears he may have had enough of the video content platform if his comments in a recent stream are anything to go by.

Playing Fortnite with long-time teammates Tim ‘TimTheTatman’ Betar, Jack ‘CouRage’ Dunlop and Dennis ‘Cloakzy’ Lepore, Ninja tried to be sensitive about the subject – especially with YouTube-exclusive CouRage playing – but his opinion became evident early on.

YouTube: Ninja
Ninja has picked up over 22 million subscribers on YouTube.

He said: “Jack, I love you, and if you want me to shut up I will… I feel like if there was ever a time for another video platform to make a move… I feel like now is the time for someone to take on YouTube.”

Though Tim responds that this will simply “never happen,” to which Ninja agrees, he continued that now is the perfect time to do it. “There are so many people complaining, and there’s nowhere else to go,” he said.

CouRage responds to this showing faith in his friend and YouTube’s Head of Gaming Ryan ‘Fwiz’ Wyatt, saying: “Well, the good news is, I’m confident that one day Ryan is going to take the helm and fix everything.”

(Timestamp 00:20 for mobile users)

Interestingly, Ninja goes on to expand on this idea with a rumor that could prove terrible for content creators that use YouTube.

He says “I’ve heard rumors, dude, that ads on gaming might be completely removed.” His teammates don’t respond, which could mean either that it wasn’t something they were willing to talk about or something that they had no opinion or knowledge on.

Whether it’s true or not, it certainly seems like Ninja trusts his sources on this one. If true, the removal of ads from gaming videos could prove fatal to the lifespan of gaming content on YouTube, let alone the career aspirations of people who make their money from YouTube Gaming.

Whether the rumor about ad removals is true, it’s clear that Ninja feels it’s time for a new video platform to overtake YouTube “similar to how Discord dominated the VoIP community.”

With many YouTubers complaining about YouTube algorithms, the ‘adpocalypse’ and everything else that comes with life on the platform, Ninja probably isn’t the only creator that feels a new platform is due its time.