Rising Twitch star Sweet_Anita explains why there are so many “Twitch thot” streamers

Alan Bernal

The Twitch community has a love/hate relationship with sexualized content on the platform, and streamer Sweet_Anita framed the issue that puts the onus on the audience.

Twitch users have been historically up in arms about the prevalence of ‘boobie streamers’ on the site , but Anita believes a bigger problem on the streaming site is giving way to these negative sentiments.

After being asked about her thoughts on “Twitch thots,” Anita reexamined the problem citing the hypocrisy of the prevalent sexualized content as being the product of streamers meeting a demand that viewers create.

Anita drew the connection to people’s interest in pornography but the lack of approval when it comes to quietly supporting streamer’s who suggestively display themselves on stream.

“Most of you guys watch porn. Most of you guys enjoy porn. You like seeing women express their sexuality and be on display,” Anita explained. “But you like it when it benefits you… When a woman is actually the one benefitting from her own beauty, we seem to resent it and get really fucking angry about it, and I don’t know why.”

Some dissenters said that Twitch is not the appropriate setting that merit the indulgence of those images, but according to Anita, the audience might be directly shaping the platform to be as such.

“When people provide a show that has a sexual context and [viewers] flood that more than they do other kinds of content, they are voting with their with their viewership. And that’s not on the people providing the content, that’s on the people viewing,” Anita said.

The streamer provided thorough opinions during her discussion that covered the importance of loving one’s one image, holistic appreciation of both women as well men, and minding one’s own business.