Streamers claim Twitch payouts were lowered without warning

Virginia Glaze
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A slew of Twitch streamers are claiming they received their lowest payouts ever from the website as it continues to face backlash amid multiple changes and updates.

Twitch has faced a swath of outrage over the last two weeks, starting when the platform created a proposed update to its branded content guidelines in early June.

These new restrictions around advertisements were eventually removed — but other issues soon took their place, such as when Twitch prohibited multi-streaming on any other “Twitch-like” platforms.

Most recently, Twitch has actually brought back its 70/30 subscriber split with Partnered creators… but the joy from larger streamers regarding this latest change has come alongside complaints from smaller streamers who claim their payouts have been much lower than before.

The Twitch app is shown on a smart phone.
Twitch has made a slew of changes to its Terms of Service lately – not all of which have been met with acclaim from users.

Partnered streamers lash out at Twitch over “lowest ever” payouts

On June 15, Partnered Twitch streamer ‘Babywock’ uploaded a video to Twitter calling out the platform after receiving the “lowest payout” he’d ever gotten in a little over a year of broadcasting.

“The numbers are not lining up,” he explained. “…now, you guys are messing with my food. You’re messing with the roof over my head. You’re messing with the hard work that creators put into this platform. I need answers.”

Babywock isn’t alone. A number of other streamers took to the replies to share similar stories, with one streamer even claiming she received a negative payout from the site.

In a screenshot, creator ‘kitty venom’ showed that she’d actually been charged $91.56 at the beginning of the month.

“I’ve been streaming for like a year and a half and have never had this happen, or at least never noticed it,” she said of the situation. “Pay attention guys. Sad times.”

Whatever the case may be, it’s clear that this is a problem affecting many Partnered creators who are seeking answers. This is just the latest issue to plague Twitch following outrage over its return of a 70/30 sub split with the induction of its new Partnered Plus program.

Although Twitch recently revealed that it’s bringing back this highly-coveted sub split, there’s a major catch to the clause that’s also inciting outrage from streamers —

Dexerto reached out to both Babywock and Twitch for comment on the situation. Twitch claimed that it could not comment on the matter due to “privacy reasons” for the streamers involved, but we spoke with Babywock in a tell-all interview, which you can read right here on Dexerto.