T-Series take unstoppable lead over PewDiePie in race to 100 million YouTube subs

David Purcell

YouTube’s great subscriber battle between PewDiePie and T-Series looks to be coming to a close, as the Swede’s Bollywood rival has taken an unprecedented lead in the race to 100 million subs. 

The great YouTube sub battle

The two channels have been going toe-to-toe for the best part of six months on the platform, trying to attract as many people as they can to subscribe to them.

PewDiePie has been knocked off his perch as YouTube’s king of content on numerous occasions, but forcing a stunning comeback on March 30 to overturn a lead of 100,000. However, it looks as if T-Series has well and truly rode into the sunset with an almost certain victory. 

JohnysBeauty / RedditPewDiePie is going to need his fanbase to produce something big to overturn this deficit.

PewDiePie vs T-Series: Live subscriber counts

According to live subscriber counts, at the time of writing, the support of the Indian production company has reached a level that might be impossible to compete with. The channel now holds a lead of around 750,000 at the time of writing, which is their strongest ever recorded. 

While those statistics would suggest that Pewds is now doomed in the race to 100 million subscribers, he has bounced back after being written off by mainstream media outlets such as the BBC in the past, and his cult following does have a potential ace up their sleeve. 

International PewDiePie Day

The YouTuber’s fanbase are building towards what they’re calling ‘International PewDiePie Day’ on April 29, where they’re hoping his followers from around the world will come together to encourage more people to subscribe to his channel. 

Whether or not the event will be a success is uncertain at this time, but it’s going to have to be big enough a colossal lead this time around. 

It wouldn’t be the first time that PewDiePie’s fans have shocked the world, though. He has been written off time and time again, but it’s his supporters who have kept him in the race. 

Will this be a step too far? 

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About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on Dexerto.com and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: david.purcell@dexerto.com.