Twitch streamers can technically stream with Dr Disrespect again after rule change

Dylan Horetski
Dr Disrespect streams on twitch

Twitch streamers can now technically stream alongside Dr Disrespect after the company changed the rules regarding partners being able to stream on other platforms.

In June 2020, streaming star Dr Disrespect was unexpectedly banned from Twitch permanently. This meant friends of the creator who streamed on the platform could no longer play games with Doc.

Before he went to YouTube, TimTheTatman even mentioned that he wouldn’t be able to join Doc in a game offline in case he was streaming on YouTube, which would violate Tim’s partner contract with Twitch.

This was true until August 23, when Twitch revealed a series of changes to the exclusivity section of the partner contract, which means that more creators can now technically stream with Dr Disrespect.

Twitch Partners can stream with Dr Disrespect

After Doc was banned from Twitch, broadcasting on the platform with him appearing on your stream put your channel in danger, as the community guidelines state that it is prohibited to use your channel to knowingly feature a suspended user.

“In addition, it is prohibited to use your channel to knowingly feature or advertise a suspended user. We understand that there may be instances where suspended users may appear on your stream due to circumstances beyond your control, such as through third-party gaming tournaments, but we expect that you make a good faith effort to remove them from your broadcast, mute them, or otherwise limit their interactions with your stream,” it reads.

Purple streaming set up with Twitch logo

During their announcement on August 23, Twitch revealed that partners on the platform will be able to simultaneously stream on TikTok and Instagram Live, allowing them to expand their reach throughout the internet.

On top of that, Twitch is now allowing streamers who are partnered on the platform to broadcast on other platforms like YouTube or Facebook Gaming, albeit not at the same time.

For example, this means creators like NICKMERCS would technically have the ability to end their stream on Twitch, fire up a broadcast on YouTube, and join Dr Disrespect in a game of Apex Legends if he wanted to.

That is assuming that a Twitch partner with a following the size of Nick’s doesn’t have an exclusivity clause built into their specific contract.

Either way, it will be interesting to see what kind of squads are formed in the near future, as Doc is already looking for new streamers to play with.

We’ve reached out to Twitch for further comment and will update if that becomes available.