Wholesome streamer explains why he’s not accepting more Twitch donations

Michael Gwilliam

Twitch streamer ‘Broxh’ went viral earlier in April after he tried to return some subscriptions a viewer had gifted his chat. Now that his channel has gone viral, the New Zealander has had it with the gifts and won’t be accepting more.

During an April 27 broadcast, Broxh was asked why he’s no longer accepting donations – and he had quite aninteresting response to the query, to say the least.

“I don’t really want them now, you see,” the streamer revealed. “For now, I’m just not really keen on it.”

Broxh is a wood-carving streamer.

“The first people I will help in my life are my mother and my family personally,” he explained selflessly. That said, Twitch’s newest sensation will be orchestrating a charity stream at some point in the future.

“I just want wood,” he laughed.

Since going viral and amassing nearly 65,000 followers, the wood-carving streamer has been gifted hundreds of subscriptions and donations by users impressed by his act of kindness earlier in the month.

On April 20, Broxh was gifted three subs by a viewer and he immediately tried to get them refunded. “Can I give the money back?” he asked. “Is there any way I can give the money back?”

The clip of the wood-carver trying to refund the viewer spread like wildfire, receiving over 250,000 views on Twitch alone.

Fellow streamers took note of Broxh’s good nature, such as ‘Trainwrecks,’ who gifted 100 subs during a broadcast, as well as ‘PandaTV,’ who took it upon himself to upgrade the Kiwi’s setup.

“I think you’ve shocked everyone with your humbleness and you seem like an absolutely f**king wonderful dude,” PandaTV said after he revealed to the streamer he would be building him a new computer.

Despite all the good things going Broxh’s way, he hasn’t lost sight of what made him so popular to begin with. Hopefully, his viewers can continue their support in other ways when the woodcarver decides to host his charity stream.