xQc shares hilarious story about meeting a “stranger” at TwitchCon

Bill Cooney

Last weekend, TwitchCon brought together the best and brightest Twitch personalities all in one place, Overwatch streamer Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel was there too, and recently shared a story about meeting a stranger who turned out to be League of Legends streamer Tyler ‘Tyler1′ Steinkamp during the convention.

The streamer began by explaining he was on his way to an Uber, presumably after a day at the convention when the fateful encounter occurred.

“I walk out and I’m not kidding, there was some dude on the wall facing the other way, and he’s like that, literally like that,” xQc told viewers as he pulled his hood over his face and put on some sunglasses.

“And he’s like this, and he’s not moving,” xQc told viewers as he imitated what the guy was doing. “So I don’t really notice him, I wanted to go get my Uber.”

“So I get out, and I walk to the car, and he’s like, ‘xQc!’ and I’m like ‘yo?’ and he goes ‘xQc whatsup man?’ then goes like this,” xQc told viewers as he removing his hood and dropped the bombshell, “It’s Tyler1.”

xQc and Tyler1 have a history of going back and forth on Twitch and other social media, but it seems like that’s all in good fun.

There will probably be stories from all kinds of streamers and attendees coming from TwitchCon for weeks to come, but this random encounter between xQc and Tyler1 has to be one of the funniest from the weekend.