Woman refuses to tip server for calling her husband “sweetheart”

Michael Gwilliam
woman refuses to tip server

A woman’s refusal to tip her server for calling her husband “sweetheart” has enraged the internet.

The concept of tipping has raised many debates over the years. From long-winded discussions about it in Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs to TikToks in 2024, tipping remains a hot topic.

In recent months we’ve seen a variety of tip-related videos go viral such as DoorDasher eating a customer’s order and a boba store not even having a “no top” option.

Now, a woman has sparked backlash after revealing she didn’t tip was because her server was a bit too friendly with her husband.

Server gets zero tip for calling customer “sweetheart”

In a video uploaded to X by user ‘Constitutional Gator,’ a woman recorded herself filling out her receipt and the tip option after ordering $25.17 worth of food.

Instead of writing in a tip amount, the woman instead instructed that her server use a different choice of words when referring to her husband.

“Don’t call my husband sweetheart,” she wrote, declining to tip in the process.

Users were not impressed with the woman’s actions and immediately took the side of the server.

“People like this will always find an excuse not to tip,” one wrote.

“Every Waitress here calls me and Husband hon or sweetheart. Imagine being so fragile and insecure,” another blasted.

Others thought that the woman wasn’t from the same location as the server and simply misinterpreted her “Southern charm.”

“I’m betting this was a place in Florida, Texas or someplace in the south as it’s common for men and women to use such terms as a form of innocent affection to make someone feel comfortable,” someone else chimed in.

“They must not be in Tennessee because every time we go down there that’s what all the waitresses call me,” another user replied. “My wife just laughs and reminds me that they apparently don’t know me very well at all.”

It’s not known exactly where this customer dined or when this video was filmed, but that hasn’t stopped it from going ultra viral, amassing over 18M views in just one day.