A demonstration showing why Fortnite’s grappler should be vaulted

Parallax, a Fortnite pro for 100 Thieves, took complaints about the grappler to the next level and went to the Playground to show why he thinks Fortnite needs to vault the item.

In the playground, he lined up the four items that cause a player to fly through the air: the shockwave grenade, launch pad, bouncer and grappler.

From his research, it’s clear the grappler moves the player the furthest and at the fastest speed.

However, there are some distinct differences between the grappler and those other items.

To start, the grappler requires a ledge to hit while the other three can be used without a structure nearby.

But, more importantly, the other three items negate fall damage.

The bouncer, shockwave grenades and launch pad are all often used to get out of fights and away from a structure, and they protect the player from taking damage.

The grappler, on the other hand, is usually an offensive weapon, unless there is a convenient ledge nearby.

The grappler already has been called out by other streamers for the item’s ability to be spammed to reverse high ground.

The item may not need to be vaulted entirely. A simple delay between uses, or a harder limit on the total uses, maybe the only nerf needed to make the item balanced.