All leaked Fortnite Season 6 skins & cosmetics

Brad Norton
Fortnite Season 6 all leaked skins

With each week in Fortnite Season 6 comes all-new leaks for the latest cosmetics. Here’s a complete overview of all the skins, emotes, weapon wraps, and everything in between that have spilled out of the latest updates.

Keeping in line with previous seasons, Epic Games pushes out a brand new Fortnite update every week. This means new map changes, unique weapons and items, along with entirely fresh cosmetics.

While new additions are added in through these updates, Epic also lays the groundwork for future drops. Thanks to the most prolific dataminers, we always know what’s in store for Fortnite. Below is a full rundown on every Fortnite Season 6 cosmetic leak thus far.

All leaked skins & cosmetics in Fortnite v16.50 update

In the most recent v16.50 update, a number of exciting skins including a male version of the Spire Assassin skin, as well as a new loading screen that teases the arrival of Marvel character Loki on The Island.




Loading screens

All leaked skins & cosmetics in Fortnite v16.40 update

The latest v16.40 update introduced a number of exciting skins including Orelia (Female Oro) and two DC crossovers: Teen Titan star Beast Boy and a new Catwoman Zero skin.




Loading Screens

All leaked skins & cosmetics in Fortnite v16.30 update

There’s a whole host of new skins and cosmetics available after Fortnite’s v16.30 patch goes live, as seen below in tweets from HYPEX and ShiinaBR.





All leaked skins & cosmetics in Fortnite v16.20 update

Fortnite’s latest leaks are here – courtesy of VastBlast and ShiinaBR. 

All leaked skins & cosmetics in Fortnite v16.10 update

For the 16.10 update, dozens of new cosmetics were added in but a good portion remained a mystery. From weapon wraps to new variants, there was more of an emphasis on options this time around.

Standing out from the pack, however, were brand new level rewards. For players exceeding the Battle Pass requirements, high-tier rewards are waiting in the wings.

All leaked skins & cosmetics in Fortnite v16.00 update

Fortnite’s major Season 6 update gave us a first look at brand new cosmetics for the weeks to come. Among the first arrivals was Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, Raven from Teen Titans, and an epic Potassius Peels skin.

This update also saw a number of unique emotes added under the hood as well.