CDNThe3rd, SypherPK, NICKMERCS, and Other Streamers Will Be Playing Against Fans in the Nerd Out “Little & Large” Fortnite Tournament

NerdOutMusic announced their “Little & Large” Fortnite Tournament via Twitter with an opportunity for 16 fan duos to enter in the event and have a chance to play against popular personalities like Caesar ‘CDNThe3rd’ Noriega.

With the explosion of Fortnite Battle Royale into the gaming scene, it comes as little surprise that competitive events are popping up all over.

The tournament format will be very familiar to fans of KEEMSTAR’s Friday Fortnite Tournaments featuring a best of two match where most kills wins.

This event is double elimination 2v2 squad queue and will be streamed by all the players involved.

CDNThe3rd was the first ‘large’ streamer announced to the $2,000 prize pool event.

Since the initial announcement other streamers Ali ‘SypherPK’ Hassan and Nick ‘NICKMERCS’ Kolcheff have also thrown their hats in the ring.

The official announcement comes from NerdOutMusic’s twitter account telling audiences to tune in on Sunday, June 24th at 5 PM EST.

Future tournaments of this variation are certainly in the works and as Fortnite continues to update players on the state of their esport more streamers will get involved.

Unfortunately, if you missed the chance to sign up right away the opportunity has now passed as entry registration is now closed.