Epic Games Announces Improvement to Fortnite Account Security

Virginia Glaze

Along with Fortnite’s V5.3 update, Epic Games has announced an improvement to the game’s account security for players.

Fortnite’s V5.3 update includes a slew of additions and improvements – as well as a security update.

In order to better protect players, Epic Games’ Fortnite team has made multiple improvements to the game’s security in regards to user accounts.

The team announced an initiative to support offline authenticators, such as Google and Microsoft Authenticator. According to their post, this addition will help security go beyond their regular two-factor authentication, and could include methods like one-click approval or SMS codes to support smartphone users in the near future.

Alongside this improvement came a fix concerning ‘credential stuffing.’ Credential stuffing occurs when users’ passwords are the same for multiple accounts, which can end up in what is known as a password dump. Hackers can then use information found in these dumps to break into players’ accounts.

To combat this, the Fortnite team is now carrying out a multi-layered defense protocol meant to protect users from these virtual dumpster divers. Their security squad now regularly searches for new dumps and uses an automated system to discern possible threats to unprotected accounts. If a password match is found within a dump, users will receive a password reset prompt, allowing them to change their account information before a hacker can take advantage of the match.

Finally, the team stated that they are revising players’ security notifications to avoid email overload. They expressed a desire to focus on unusual login patterns by increasing two-factor authentication, as well as improving their account recovery process.

That’s not all – users who enable two-factor authentication get a fun bonus. Upon enabling this tool, players will receive the Boogiedown Winners’ emote at no cost as a perk for protecting their account. That’s something to dance about!