Fortnite Group Featuring ‘MoNsTcR’ and OpTic’s ‘MaNiaC’ Have Broken The PC Squads Kill Record

Albert Petrosyan

A major kills record in Fortnite Battle Royale has been broken by a mixed group of pro players and content creators.

OpTic Gaming’s Nick ‘MaNiaC’ Kershner, Chance ‘MoNsTcR’ Duncan, Nikolai ‘Figurez’ Hyytiainen, and ‘Shni’ are the new record holders for most kills in a Squads mode on PC Fortnite with a total of 55 eliminations.

The record was broken on July 20, as all four players excitedly tweeted out their incredible accomplishment.

The pictures below show the number of kills each got. Figurez led the way with 22 eliminations, followed by Shini’s 15, and both MoNsTcR and MaNiaC finished with nine.

MaNiaC also later released a video of their record breaking performance on YouTube.

As the video shows, the players landed relatively far from each other, which indicates that they had likely set out to break the record.

Interestingly enough, this is the second time in four days that the PC Squads kill record has been broken.

FaZe Clan Fortnite pro players ‘Cloak, Jaomock, Tennp0, and Tfue’ got 54 kills on July 17.