Fortnite world record for eliminations in Duos vs Squads has been broken once again

Alan Bernal

For the second time in the last week, the Fortnite world record for eliminations in Duos vs Squads has been broken, as a pair from Team Overtime surpassed the mark by a single kill.

The previous record was set by FaZe Thiefs and ‘Webs’ after getting a combined 50 kills on February 16 against Squads, but their total was bested by one more elimination just a short time soon after.

Team Overtime duo ‘Inspyre’ and ‘Thresh’ wiped out over half of the competition when they netted a combined 51 kills to take the top spot in the world for most eliminations.

With such an incredible feat accomplished so shortly after the new record, Inspyre made sure to have the record-breaking match fully available to watch.

The replay is jam packed with numerous firefights, crazy outbuilds and impressive player tracking as the duo hunted for as many unlucky players as they could.

The duo used numerous Glider Redeploys and Launch Pads to make insane rotations from one point of interest to the next which made catching up to players look easy.

Even after getting third-partied time after time, the duo masterfully split aggro and prioritize targets to thin out opponents and bag quick kills.

Epic GamesCompetitive Fortnite players are beginning to break records with impressive regularity.

At the end of the match Inspyre ended with 21 kills while Thresh added 30 more to their final tally.

You can keep up-to-date with all of the current world records for PC, console and mobile by visiting our hub here.

It seems as if Fortnite pros are getting increasingly competitive seeing as the last record stood for all of one day, so who knows how long this one will stand.