How to earn points to unlock the Fortnite Falling Leaf Wrap

Eli Becht
Epic Games

The Fortnite community can unite to collectively earn a new weapon Wrap together if they earn enough points before the challenge ends.

Epic Games calls this the Autumn’s Queen quest, and a free cosmetic is being put on the line, provided players are able to earn it in time.

Beginning November 28 and running until December 1, the Fortnite players have to band together and earn points to unlock the new Falling Leaf Wrap.

Epic GamesThe Autumn Queen has a quest.

This weapon Wrap is animated with falling leaves, making it definitely a cool one to have, so make sure you’re doing your part to help unlock it.

To unlock the wrap, the community will have to earn 2,500,000,000 points. which may seem like an astronomically high number, but you have to keep in mind that Fortnite has a massive player base, so this challenge shouldn’t be too difficult in the long run.

Another important thing to know is how to earn these points. There are three different methods that will each earn points, with the one rewarding the most asking players to just play with friends. Here’s the complete breakdown:

  • Heal allies with the Bandage Bazooka – 1 point per 1HP healed
  • Revive a teammate  – 2 points
  • Play a match with a Friend – 5 points
Epic GamesDo your part for the team!

Essentially, you’ll need to playing medic for your team through either healing them with the Bandage Bazooka or reviving them.

Team Rumble seems like this will be a good mode to play in if you want to get the most bang for your buck since you’ll have many opportunities to heal there.

Above all else, the most important thing players will have to do is play with their friends as you’ll quickly be able to rack up the points there.

The wrap will be rewarded to everyone once the goal is met, but you’ll have to still at least play one match between now and December 1 if you want to get it.

If the goal is met, the wrap will be rewarded to everyone by December 6. Well, what are you waiting for? Get out there and do your part in completing the Autumn Queen’s quest.