How to use Fortnite’s Quadcrasher to rotate to any location on the map quickly

Matt Porter

Fortnite fans are always looking for fast ways to rotate to different locations around the map, and it seems like there is now an easy way to do it involving the Quadcrasher.

Since the removal of Glider Redeploy, fans have been looking for easy ways to travel from place to place quickly, with the Quadcrasher and using a Rift the only available methods that allow players to rotate around the map.

For those who are having difficulty using the Quadcrasher to rotate, or weren’t aware that this is possible, YouTuber ‘ImSpeedyGonzalez’ has uploaded a handy guide full of tricks and tips to help you make the most of the Quadcrasher.

Once players have found a Quadcrasher, they need to then build a ramp that will allow the four-wheeler to gain height.

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ImSpeedyGonzalez states that the key to rotating using the Quadcrasher is making sure that you always maintain an upward trajectory. To do this, players should fire their boost while facing up, then perform a half-backflip, arching the Quadcrasher until it’s just about to flip over, then pull it back down again and repeat the trick.

An easy way to ensure that you’re maintaining an upward trajectory is by using the Quadcrasher’s scoreboard. Underneath the points total on the left hand side is an arrow pointing upwards, which actually tells you how high you are off the ground. By keeping an eye on this, you can always make sure you’re flying upwards, and make adjustments when necessary.

By using this method, players can fly from one side of the map to the other in seconds, meaning no location is off limits if you have one of these ATVs. It can also be used to escape the storm, meaning you can wait until the last second before making a move.

The use of the Quadcrasher as a rotation system will definitely become more prevalent now after the removal of the unpopular Glider Redeploy system, although some Fortnite fans are already calling for its return.