Ice Storm LTM added to Fortnite with ice sphere live event

Connor Bennett

A new Limited Time Mode, Ice Storm, has gone live in Fortnite following the in-game Ice Sphere Live Event.

The Ice Sphere, or what some fans have called an Orb, has been sat above Polar Peak since January 15 when it was added in the V7.20 patch.

The ominous object has prompted plenty of speculation from fans as to what its true intentions are. Some eagle-eyed players, with the help of data miners, noticed that the sphere is home to the Ice King character that was teased with the launch of Season 7.

@LootLakeBRThe Ice Sphere has caused much speculation.

A weather warning recently swept across the in-game televisions, alerting fans to some sort of movement with the sphere. 

A leak showed that a Winter variant of the Fortnitemares event would be activated just minutes after the Live Event, which has now happened. The LTM brings back Zombies, now in a Winter theme, as an added hurdle for players to battle in the fight for survival. 

The LTM, which runs in Solo, Duos, and Squads playlists is expected to run for ten days until January 29. Regular Solo and Duos games are set to be disabled until the end of the LTM while regular Squads games are available. 

Some players had already seen the option to search for the LTM on both Fortnite Mobile and console before the mode went live. However, all players had to wait until the in-game live event. 

The in-game live event happened at 2PM EST/ 1PM CST/ 11AM PST/ 7PM GMT/ 8PM CET/ 5AM AEST on January 19.