Major changes coming to Arena mode in Fortnite Battle Royale, according to leaks

Eli Becht

A new leak suggests the competitive Arena mode in Fortnite Battle Royale could be getting a Squads playlist in the near future.

When Fortnite Battle Royale’s Arena mode launched, it only came with a Solos and Duos playlist, much to the chagrin of players who only played with a squad of friends.

However, if this new leak is anything to go off, Epic Games will be adding in a Squads playlist in the future which means if you and your squad are looking for a more competitive way to play Fortnite, your wishes may soon be coming true. 

Keep in mind leaks should be taken with a grain of salt until we receive official word from Epic Games.

On top of all of this, a Trios playlist appears to be on the horizon for those who play as a threesome. This is big news for players who wanted a competitive setting but with more than just one other player.

Like the Squads playlist, Trios is another leak so don’t take it at face value until Epic confirms it themselves.

Will this please players?

When siphon was removed from regular lobbies, there was a lot of blowback from many of the big content creators on Twitch and YouTube who condemned the changes.

Epic Games responded to this saying the Arenas playlist will always have siphon and that will remain an option for players. With all the normal playlists being available in competitive, this could end up having a positive effect on the community.

Keep in mind that if these modes do arrive, they probably won’t allow you to qualify for the World Cup, unless Epic Games decides to make some extreme changes in the middle of qualifiers.