SypherPK Destroys Opponent With Epic Shockwave Grenade Move

Matt Porter

Luminosity’s professional Fortnite player SypherPK has shown how the newly added Shockwave Grenade can be used to obliterate opponents.

Finding himself on the bottom floor of a house in Retail Row, the American could hear the footsteps of an enemy on the roof above him.

Thinking quickly, SypherPK threw down the brand new item, blasting himself through three stories and up into the sky above his opponent. Sypher immediately spotted his target, landed gracefully beside him, and easily dispatched of the enemy:

The Luminosity star was clearly pleased with himself after executing his brilliant move, and Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins was the first congratulate him.

The Shockwave Grenade became officially available in the V5.30 Content Update that went live on Tuesday, August 28. When used, the Shockwave Grenade sends players flying across the map, but they take no damage from it. It also blast players through objects, destroying anything in the player’s way.

Along with the Shockwave Grenade, we also saw the return of the Solid Gold 50v50 limited time mode, which only features weapons of a Mythic rarity.

With the new Epic item’s explosive power,and the ingenuity of the Fortnite community, SypherPK’s amazing play is sure to be the first of many amazing moments we see from the Shockwave Grenade!

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About The Author

Matt is a former Dexerto writer. Hailing from Northern Ireland, he is games journalist who specializes in Call of Duty. Matt joined Dexerto in August 2018, covering a variety of games as a Senior Writer before moving to CharlieINTEL in 2020.