Thrusters Found in Anarchy Acres Add More Mystery to the Fortnite Rocket

Ross Deason

It looks like Epic Games made a mistake when the V4.5 Fortnite Battle Royale patch was released as one YouTuber found a thruster from the much discussed rocket in Anarchy Acres.

With the end of Season 4 in Fortnite drawing ever nearer, theories about the theme for Season 5 and more have started to pop up in just about every conversation about the game.

One of the most popular subjects of discussion is the rocket situated in the the villain’s lair near Snobby Shores, whether it will launch at the end of Season 4, and where it will go if it does launch.

Now one YouTuber has found a new hint related to the rocket which seems to have been accidentally released along with the V4.5 patch for Fortnite Battle Royale.

Jonah Reynolds uploaded a video that seems to show the thrusters from the rocket in Anarchy Acres but they were apparently removed within about 20 minutes of being discovered.

One of the main theories about the rocket is that it will eventually hit Moisty Mire, which is one of the lowest traffic areas of the map and a location that players have been asking to see changed for months.

The hints about Moisty Mire came after data mining of the rocket’s audio files seemed to hint towards coordinates from that location. However, the thrusters being found in Anarchy Acres would suggest that it is heading in a different direction entirely, at least when it takes off.

As with any of these leaks, nothing is confirmed, and everything is subject to change, so take it with a pinch of salt.