Weird Forza Horizon 4 bug is giving players easy wins

Kieran Bicknell

Forza Horizon 4 is the game that keeps on delivering, but unfortunately, it’s not always good news. One player in particular seems to have found an unusual bug that is ‘eating’ AI players.

The open-world game of Forza Horizon 4 lets players live out their automotive dreams like never before. Between the streets of a virtual Edinburgh to a recreation of quaint English villages, players are able to tear around a miniaturized version of England in almost any car they can think of.

Unfortunately, sometimes the open-world game that players love fights back, causing unusual bugs and glitches. Thankfully, most are harmless, such as this unusual (and frankly hilarious) AI bug that was posted to Reddit.

Forza Horizon 4 checkpoint AI bug
The bug seems to occur when passing through a specific checkpoint during the race.

Forza Horizon 4 AI checkpoint bug

The bug itself appears to occur part-way through one of the biggest races in the game – the aptly-named ‘Goliath.’

Posting to the r/ForzaHorizon subreddit, player Jurassic_Gaming57 shows the bug in full effect, thanks to a screen-captured video.

On lap 3/10, the AI cars in front of the player pass through a checkpoint, then appear to simply vanish into thin air.

While this is weird enough on its own, what happens next is the strangest part of the bug.

In an unusual ‘black hole’ style situation, the cars that vanished then re-appear behind the player, seemingly caught in an endless cycle of looping back-and-forth through the checkpoint.

To make matters worse, it would seem this is not an isolated incident. According to Redditors in the comment section, other players have experienced similar situations, though this one does appear to be a strange example:

“Never seen it on a simple circuit like this. I’ve played some races with a lot of criss-cross paths that totally freak out the AI so there are only 1 or 2 on the lead lap.”

It turns out that the issue may be caused by the AI getting confused by the number of vehicle ‘paths’ on the circuit. Whatever it is, it’s certainly an easy win for this player.