Apex Legends Xbox Predator players caught boosting & teaming in Ranked

Alex Garton
Apex Legends Wattson

A set of Apex Legends Xbox Predator players have been caught boosting and teaming in Ranked to unfairly gain RP.

While hackers using third-party software in Apex Legends are often banned by the game’s anti-cheat, boosting is significantly harder to detect.

As this form of cheating involves players queuing up for the same match and farming kills using Mobile Respawn Beacons, it’s impossible for the devs to know who is gaining RP fairly and who is not.

Punishing boosters usually relies on the community exposing these players by catching them in the act, and one competitor did exactly that in their Ranked match.

After being taken down by a set of Predator and Master Xbox players, they caught them red-handed boosting RP in the spectator screen.

Apex Legends boosters
Boosting and teaming have become serious issues in Apex Legends Ranked.

Predator Apex players caught red-handed boosting in Ranked

During their Apex Legends Ranked match, Reddit user King-Juggernaut and their squad were pounced upon by two enemy squads who very clearly teamed up together.

Although King and his allies put up a good fight, they were outnumbered and taken down by their opponents.

Deciding to spectate their gameplay, it was immediately obvious that they were unfairly working together, and not only that, the Predator and Master players began to boost for RP.

Using Mobile Respawn Beacons, the two groups could be seen killing each other and then resing their teammates to unfairly maximize their RP gains.

While pressure to improve the game’s anti-cheat has been consistent over the past few seasons, boosting is another problem Respawn needs to address.

As it doesn’t involve third-party software, it’s a lot harder to detect but with so many players using the unfair strategy in Masters and Predator, it devalues the achievement of reaching those ranks.

Fingers crossed the devs can find a solution in the near future, as teaming and boosting appears to be getting worse.