Beyond Good and Evil 2 development update is bad news for fans

Michael Gwilliam
beyond good and evil 2 update

Beyond Good and Evil 2 might be the only currently announced game to release after Elder Scrolls VI and GTA 6 thanks to a devastating new report.

All the way back in 2016, Ubisoft announced that Beyond Good and Evil 2 was in development and a cinematic trailer was unveiled at E3 one year later.

At E3 2018, Ubisoft showed off a pre-Alpha walkthrough with some rather stunning gameplay that left fans eager for more. Sadly, according to Insider-Gaming, all that gameplay has been completely undone.

Several sources have indicated that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is in the “blocking phase” and still considered to be “early development.”

Beyond Good and Evil 2 still in “early development”

beyond good and evil 2 release update
Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still years away.

The report claims that videos and images shown of the in-development Beyond Good and Evil 2 look nothing like the 2018 footage shown to fans at E3.

This suggests that the game has undergone a reboot with only spaceships resembling their appearance in the 2018 build.

Even more worrying, Insider-Gaming states that planets had “blocked structures for buildings” and appeared to be in extremely low quality. It’s not clear how much work is currently being done on the project.

Ubisoft, however, has reiterated that the game’s “development is underway” and that the developers are “hard at work to deliver on its ambitious promise.”

This news follows a report from earlier this summer that warned the long-awaited sequel was still “years away.”

On top of that, earlier this year, Beyond Good and Evil 2 set a new Guinness World Record for having the “longest development period for a video game” beating out Duke Nukem Forever.