Call of Duty fan spots familiar Zombies scenes in The Day Before trailer

Alec Mullins
The Day Before takes players through a wasteland-like environment.

A Call of Duty Zombies superfan has pointed out some extreme similarities between The Day Before and a Cold War trailer.

The Day Before, a survival shooter set in an extremely dangerous American wasteland, has been making quite the stir online thanks to its January 24 delay. Speculation over the site of the game has gone rampant with some fans even claiming the game may not even exist.

Fntastic, the developers behind the game, released a 10-minute gameplay trailer on February 2 but even that wasn’t enough to quell the rumors.

On top of that, a contingent of Call of Duty fans are convinced that the extended look contained scenes heavily inspired by Black Ops Cold War’s Zombies mode.

The Day Before’s similarities with CoD Black Ops Cold War

Chromastone10 posted several comparative screenshots between the two titles on Twitter, clearly in disbelief over how closely they resemble one another.

Their first tweet showed off four images, two from each game, that does contain some strong similarities.

The first two put the camera looking down through a set of grates and onto separate grisly scenes, with the next two featuring similar shots of two characters outlined in red light progressing through spooky corridors.

He also uploaded another set of images that further the connection between the two games and other fans are using it as fuel for the theory that TDB could be majorly incomplete.

“I KNEW that s**t looked familiar,” one commenter said.

“If you’re going to copy, copy from the best,” another added.

Observant commenter DanBeforeTime pointed out that the gun customization menu in The Day Before also bears a resemblance to another Cold War feature. “The Day Before didn’t even attempt to change the font from the Black Ops Cold War Gunsmith.”

Fntastic has yet to acknowledge any similarity intended or otherwise but we will keep on top of the latest news surrounding the game.