Does Chivalry 2 have crossplay? Xbox, PlayStation & PC explained

Ishan Vashishth
chivalry 2 battle

Chivalry 2 multiplayer is incredibly popular, and those playing across Xbox, PlayStation and PC may want to know how the game’s crossplay functionality works.

In the realm of online multiplayer gaming, connectivity across platforms has become a defining feature, breaking down barriers and allowing players to unite regardless of their chosen gaming device.

Chivalry 2, the feudal warfare game by Torn Banner Studios, has sparked curiosity among gamers about its crossplay capabilities. With how popular medieval games are at the moment, it’s easy to see why people want to dive in across all platforms.

For those eager to charge into battle alongside friends on different platforms, the question looms: is Chivalry 2 crossplay enabled?

Does Chivalry 2 have Crossplay?

Chivalry 2 does feature full crossplay between PC (Steam and Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. 

This means you can clash swords, rain down arrows, and conquer objectives with friends regardless of their chosen gaming device.

Not only can you join matches with players on other platforms, but Chivalry 2 also has a cross-party system, which allows you to team up with your buddies across systems to form a party to use in multiplayer matches.

It’s important to note that if you’re playing on PS4 or Xbox One, you’ll still primarily be matched with others on the same generational console. However, the overall community is unified, so you’ll never be short on opponents (or allies).

Crossplay enhances the multiplayer experience in Chivalry 2 by broadening the player base and enabling more diverse matchups. Whether you’re engaging in large-scale sieges or intense duels, crossplay ensures that the action is always lively and the battles are always epic.