Greg Miller slams Activision CEO at DICE awards: “F**k Bobby Kotick”

Michael Gwilliam
Greg Miller blasts bobby kotick

Co-founder of entertainment company Kinda Funny, Greg Miller, roasted Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick at the 2022 DICE awards amid lawsuits plaguing the gaming behemoth.

Back in July, a lawsuit was filed against Activision Blizzard by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing alleging that women were not only harassed on the job, but given unequal pay when compared to their male colleagues.

As news broke, more and more stories were shared by both former and current employees with some even claiming that their breast milk was stolen while at work.

With Bobby Kotick refusing to resign despite demands for him to do so, the controversial Greg Miller took aim at the embattled CEO at the DICE awards.

Greg Miller blasts Bobby Kotick

During an opening ceremony, Miller, along with co-host Jessica Chobot poked fun at Kotick before deciding to hammer him with some words that wouldn’t typically be broadcast on TV.

“We can’t talk about the industry we love so much without also talking about the stories of abuse and harassment that employees faced at Activision Blizzard and other companies,” Miller said.

“But, because this is a formal event, being broadcast to audiences around the world, I’m only going to say ‘F’ Bobby Kotick,” he slammed to a chorus of cheers from those in attendance.

Bobby Kotick has become one of gaming’s most controversial figures.

Not wanting to leave without pushing the limits a touch, however, Miller continued, adding a touch more spice to the event.

“I’m just kidding! F**k Bobby Kotick!” he roared. “Come on!”

Given Kotick’s negative track record in the gaming community, it’s no wonder why many will be happy to see him go once Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision is complete.

That said, he could see himself leaving with nearly $300m in his back pocket if he’s terminated “for cause.”