How long is Alone in the Dark? Main story & completionist run

Sam Smith
alone in the dark gameplay

Alone in the Dark (2024) is a reboot of the original game, but how long will it take you to reach the end and see everything there is to see?

Like the original Alone in the Dark entry from 1992, the game features two characters, Emily Hartwood and private investigator Edward Carnby as they travel to the creepy Derceto Manor, a care home for the “mentally fatigued”, to investigate the disappearance of Jeremy Hartwood, Emily’s uncle. While there, the duo is accosted by horrific supernatural entities and forced to fight for their survival.

The remake splits the narrative between both Emily and Edward, feeling a lot like Resident Evil 2 in that sense, as both characters have separate but interconnected stories. Both will need to be completed before you have seen the complete story. Here’s how long it takes to complete the Alone in the Dark reboot.

Alone in the dark reboot header image
Alone in the Dark is a new reboot of the series.

How long is Alone in the Dark?

An average run-through of either Emily or Edward’s story in Alone in the Dark will take between six to ten hours to complete – depending on how thorough players are when it comes to investigating clues and exploring every nook and cranny.

For a true and complete ending, players will need to then play the second campaign from the other character’s perspective, which will take roughly another six to ten hours.

Therefore, a completionist approach will take between 14 to 20 hours to complete in full. Of course, it largely depends on if you’re trying to race through the game or soak up its tense and chilling atmosphere.

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