NieR Automata’s secret door is stumping players five years after release

Terry Oh
Niet Automata official artwork. One of the best modern JRPGs.

Five years on from NieR: Automata’s release, a new-found secret door is stumping players. After one player stirred up the entire community, by showcasing a path leading to a never-before-seen church, excited yet confused fans are trying to figure out how to get through.

NieR: Automata was renowned on release five years ago in 2017, with players still flocking back to it to this day to push through the post-apocalyptic world as 2B.

Players assumed all the secrets for the game were discovered — but a post from a Reddit user on r/nier has thrown a major spanner into the works.

Sadfutago uploaded a video, showcasing a secret door entering to a small room. Though seemingly unimpressive at first, the small room leads down into a basement going many stories lower. At the bottom, a grand door greets the player — opening up to an almost dream-like church setting.

After the initial post, sadfutago attempted to show more videos providing context to the mysterious church and door. But despite their other posts, the community cannot get a clear understanding of what exactly is happening.

Is the NieR Automata secret door real?

The short answer is: nobody really knows. But here are the leading theories regarding NieR: Automata’s secret door.

Tons of players have grown skeptical of the room, claiming the room is fake. After all, the game’s been released since 2017, what are the chances there are secrets left to be discovered? Members of the community have been asking this question, pondering the discovery.

Some users even wonder if the user, sadfutago, is even real — questioning their far from perfect word choice and communication skills.

Members of the community claim the video may be modded. But according to Lance McDonald on Twitter, there’s no known mod capable of such detailed creation.

Others wonder if this church was part of the “final secret” referred to by Yoko Taro years ago. Lance McDonald disproved this particular theory, claiming “the final secret was already discovered [by him] a while ago, the Japanese NieR Twitter account confirmed it at the time.”

Even the creators and developers of the game began chiming in on the drama — but confirming and denying nothing. Yoko Taro does little to nothing to answer the community’s questions.

Other trails of thought wonder if the entire situation is a big brained viral marketing tactic, especially with the game’s Switch release on the horizon.

It’s difficult to say what exactly is going on — but one thing is clear, the community is loving the mystery of NieR: Automata’s secret door. As for how you get there? Good luck finding out, because no one except for sadfutago knows.