Portal Nintendo 64 ‘port’ shows off insane teleportation on classic console hardware

Alan Bernal
portal 64

A version of Portal reimagined for the Nintendo 64 is in the works, courtesy of fan developer James Lambert, and people are amazed seeing the game’s marquee teleportation mechanic at work on the classic hardware.

Dubbed ‘Portal 64,’ the ambitious project aims to make a faithful ‘demake’ of Valve’s 2007 masterpiece run on the beloved Nintendo console. And the dev is sparing no expense at making the game run its signature portals to make the game work.

To that end, Lambert has surprised a lot of fans online who are anticipating the complete demake with the latest look on its development cycle.

The one-man dev team gave an in-depth look at how he made portals work for the project, with multiple angles of the effect on-screen.

It’s only the next step for Lambert, who has been documenting the making of the game since late February. Still, the current state of Portal 64 has left people baffled seeing Valve’s hit in a new light.

“That is awesome!” one user wrote. “It’s very limited, mainly because of hardware constraints. But the fact that it is working is just mind blowing. I can only imagine the programming trickery going on behind the scenes to make it work.”

Meanwhile, others were taken aback seeing the preview and wondering how they would have reacted if this would have released back when the N64 was on store shelves: “This would have blown my f**king mind in 1997.”

It seems Lambert is making huge strides with reinventing everything from the Portal Gun to various rooms of the early game, so there’s been steady progress – a lot of which can be played for people who are interested.

Portal 64 is one of those passion projects that’s been getting more and more attention since it started, so here’s to the game making more progress in the coming months.