Pro racer uses NASCAR GameCube move IRL to secure championship spot

Dylan Horetski
Nascar 05 gamecube Ross Chastain move

Professional racecar driver Ross Chastain has gone viral after using an incredible move he learned from a NASCAR game on the Nintendo GameCube to secure his spot in the Cup Series Championship.

At the end of every NASCAR Cup Series season, the top four drivers at the top of the Championship points standings go against each other to win the title.

Dubbed the “Championship 4,” Cup Series drivers Joey Logano, Chase Elliot, Christopher Bell, and Ross Chastain are set to go against each other on November 6, 2022.

While three of the four drivers secured their spot rather uneventfully, Ross Chastain’s method of qualifying has gone a bit viral after performing a move that he says he learned from a NASCAR game on GameCube.

Pro racer uses incredible NASCAR GameCube move IRL

During the October 30 race at Martinsville Speedway, NASCAR Cup Series driver Ross Chastain shocked fans as he “fully committed” the infamous wall-ride action that gamers worldwide have likely performed.

In a video tweeted by NASCAR, you can see Chastain carefully placing his car against the outside wall while keeping the pedal to the metal.

He managed to pass several cars to secure his spot in the NASCAR Championship 4 on November 6, 2022, a move that was labeled as “incredible” in another tweet.

Shortly after the clip was posted, the Performance Racing Network tweeted a statement from Ross.

“Played a lot of NASCAR 2005 on the Game Cube. I never knew if it actually worked,” he said. “I did that when I was 8. I grabbed fifth gear down the back and full committed,”

Fans quickly flooded the replies of the Nascar and PRN tweets with their support for Chastain’s iconic move, while others weren’t so sure he should have done it.

“He went for the full send, gotta applaud him for trying for the hail mary there,” one user replied.

Another user said: “Well, he was right about one thing. It was a childish move.”

However, a third argued: “It worked phenomenally, get rekt nerd.”