Super Mario Wonder player uncovers romantic throwback Easter egg

Scott Baird
Elephant Mario and an Urchin from Super Mario Bros. Wonder

A Super Mario Bros. Wonder player has discovered a surprising Easter egg, as an obscure romantic scene involving the Mega Urchins from New Super Mario Bros. Wii is followed up on via a secret room.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder has a hidden Easter egg that brings back a romantic couple from New Super Mario Bros. Wii in a surprising callback to one of the older entries in the series.

The Mario games don’t have a solid continuity, with the events of each title counted as their own moments in time. The most continuity fans get is the addition of new recurring Mario characters, such as Captain Toad, Rosalina, or Nabbit.

This isn’t to say that the Mario franchise doesn’t love referencing its own history, as they are filled with Easter eggs to the 8-bit and 16-bit entries in the series. It’s just rare for events from older games to be directly referenced in later entries.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder brings back the Mega Urchin secret love room

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is filled with all kinds of new content, such as the elephant transformation power-up and the Flower Kingdom. A user on the Mario Reddit page has discovered a direct reference to an older Mario game, but you have to look for it.

In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, if the player travels to World 4-3 and finds the secret pipe, they’ll enter a chamber with two Mega Urchins, a Star Coin, and smaller coins in the shape of a heart, suggesting that they are in love.

This scene is replicated in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, as there is a hidden chamber with two Urchins and two Cheep Cheeps. Like in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, a heart is made from coins, suggesting that it’s the same two creatures appearing years later, with the Cheep Cheeps being their kids.

Unfortunately, true love isn’t always meant to be, as users in the same Reddit thread commented on how they killed the Urchins with the Fire Flower power-up. This might beat Tomb Raider 2’s locking the butler in the freezer in terms of video game cruelty.

It’s always cute when Nintendo throws in obscure references like this for the series’ longtime fans. Mario is creeping toward its 40th anniversary, which means there are many games that people fondly remember, all deserving of a shoutout in the newer titles.