When is Guilty Gear STRIVE coming out? Everything we know so far

Virginia Glaze

EVO 2019 rocked fighting game fans with a trailer for a brand-new Guilty Gear game, leaving them with one burning question: When can they get their hands on the upcoming release?

Previously known as ‘Guilty Gear 2020,’ the newly-named ‘Guilty Gear STRIVE’ has players chomping at the bit to try their hands at the title, which hosted a playable demo at ArcRevo last year.

Boasting both completely new and returning characters, some with major design overhauls, we’ve got the low-down on when fans can expect to play the game, as well as which fighters are making an appearance.

When is Guilty Gear STRIVE coming out?

Guilty Gear STRIVE is set for an official release in late 2020, although a concrete date has yet to be announced at the time of writing.

According to ArcSys’s website, the PlayStation 4 will act as the game’s primary platform, although it’s likely that Strive will also see a PC iteration down the line.

An arcade version of STRIVE is also in the works, with a playable demo available at the upcoming Japan Amusement Expo 2020 from February 7 – 8.

How is Guilty Gear STRIVE going to play?

Series director Daisuke Ishiwatari notably claimed Guilty Gear STRIVE will be “a completely new Guilty Gear,” prompting both excitement and tentative speculation from its fanbase.

In short, STRIVE makes significant changes to some of the series’ base mechanics, such as throws, combos, and airdashing, although much of the GG system remains the same, otherwise.

Arc System Works announced that STRIVE’s major changes are not final, and could see huge changes before release.

Footage shown from ArcRevo 2020 saw division throughout the GG playerbase, with some feeling that the game is overly simplified — an understandable concern, considering Ishiwatari’s viral statement: “With this game, we wanted to put importance during development on appealing to people who don’t really play fighting games or those who enjoy the current trend of fighting games.”

Guilty Gear STRIVE’s character select screen is markedly different from other titles in the genre, thus far.

STRIVE also boasts a heavily rehauled UI, giving players easily-digestible information as to character strengths and archetypes on the select screen.

Which characters are in Guilty Gear STRIVE so far?

Thus far, Guilty Gear STRIVE includes seven returning characters, each with significant visual and mechanical redesigns.

Series protagonist Sol Badguy and rival Ky Kiske were shown during STRIVE’s EVO 2019 trailer, alongside a new character currently dubbed the “unnamed samurai.”

Guilty Gear’s newest character remains a mystery.

As the only new fighter fans have laid their eyes on thus far, players are amped with curiosity about who he is and how he plays.

Other characters in STRIVE include Axl Low, Chipp Zanuff, May, Potemkin, and Faust.

Although 2020 is finally underway, an entire year is a long time for fans to wait for a release — but another showcase for the game is on the horizon, bringing with it excitement and anticipation for more reveals.