Best Genshin Impact characters 4.5: Ranked tier list

James Busby
Ganyu, Hu Tao, and Keqing in Genshin Impact

Keeping on top of character rankings is important in Genshin Impact if you want to consistently be using the best team comps, and we’ve got all the information you need in this handy tier list. Here are our rankings of every character in the game so you can have the best team in Teyvat. 

If you want to easily get through the most difficult content in the world of Teyvat, it’s essential to have some of the game’s best characters on your side. Choosing which characters to have in your team comp can be tricky considering just how big Genshin Impact’s roster is.

Every Genshin Impact character possesses unique abilities and there are plenty of free and banner-exclusive heroes to choose from. With the recently released 4.5 update, HoYoverse has continued to add challenging content to the game, as well as some new faces.

Whether you’re looking to beat the Spiral Abyss by using the best pick rates, or want to know which characters to save your Primogems for, our Genshin Impact tier list has you covered. 


Best Genshin Impact character tier list

While the best Genshin Impact characters won’t instantly improve your skills in the game, they can give you a huge advantage when tackling the title’s toughest Domains, bosses, and quests. If you build a team using our best Genshin Impact character tier list, you’ll be able to gain an edge over your foes.

S-tier Genshin Impact characters


A screenshot from the game Genshin Impact
Nevillette is a must-have unit in Genshin Impact

The Hydro Dragon Sovereign of Fontaine is quite possibly the best DPS unit in Genshin Impact right now. Several aspects make him strong and one of the biggest ones is his ease of usage. The way Neuvillette works is that you need to press his charge attacks and he will release a beam of water very similar to a Hydro Gun from Pokemon.

This beam of water can wipe out even the toughest of enemies as long as they do not have Hydro resistance. Additionally, Neuvillette can heal himself as well which makes him quite self-sustainable. He is one of the very few units who can solo Spiral Abyss Floor 12 with ease.

If you plan to pull for Neuvillette in the future, do not forget to check out our detailed guide for the character.


A screenshot from the game Wriothesley

Wriothesely is another powerful unit who was added in Genshin Impact version 4.1 alongside Neuvillette. He is a very powerful Cryo DPS unit and can function with units like Furina and Shenhe. Wriothesley’s skills are catered towards increasing his damage as much as possible.

He can work against both bosses as well as groups of enemies and clear the hardest content with ease. The reason why players do not talk about him much is because he was released between Neuvillette and Furina.

However, if you are lacking a Cryo DPS, you must pull for this unit without a second thought. If you pull for him, do not forget to check out our detailed guide for Wriothesley.


A screenshot from the game Genshin Impact
Furina is a powerful HP buffer in Genshin Impact

Furina was added to Genshin Impact in version 4.2 and is the former Hydro Archon of Fontaine. She is an exceptionally powerful unit and the only HP buffer in the game. Furina’s viability arrives from her Ultimate skill where changes in a character’s HP enhances their damage.

The way this works is Furina’s abilities can drain HP, but if you have a healer in the team, then you will consistently fluctuate the HP numbers of the active character. This leads to immense damage output which makes Furina indispensable.

Additionally, her E ability has two modes which you can change by holding down your left-click. The default state is Ousia where Furina will summon three familiars who can deal massive damage to enemies. However, in the Pneuma state, she summons a familiar who will heal all party members. Unfortunately, in this state, Furina does not have any Hydro application.

Even then, the buffs she provides are massive, and as long as you have a healer in your team, Furina is a must-have unit in the current meta. In fact, she makes units like Jean, Charlotte, Noelle, and Sayu viable in the meta.


A screenshot from the game Genshin Impact
Navia is one of the strongest DPS units in the game

Navia is a DPS unit who was added to Genshin Impact alongside version 4.3. She is by far the best Geo unit in the game. The biggest advantage of Navia is that she transforms Geo in a way where the element becomes viable.

Navia utilizes the Crystallize reaction and her damage depends upon the same. This is something that no other Geo character can do. Additionally, Navia can dish out up to 200,000 damage or more with ease in a free-to-play setting. If you get her signature weapon, that damage jumps up to 300,000 or more.

Therefore, if you plan to pull for Navia, you should check out our detailed guide.


A screenshot from the game Genshin Impact
Xianyun is a good unit who can enhance your party quite significantly

Xianyun was added to the game alongside Genshin Impact version 4.4 and is one of the best supports in the game. Xianyun performs two major tasks, namely allowing every unit to perform plunging attacks, enhance plunge damage, and heal allies.

However, this aspect of her enhances the damage output of certain characters massively. The biggest point of interest here is the plunge attack damage where characters like Hu Tao, Diluc, and Klee can deal massive damage.

In fact, the plunge attack damage of the aforementioned units is much higher than Xiao. Apart from that, Xianyun’s healing is good enough where she can work alongside Furina. Therefore, you will gain a lot if you decide to pull her.

In case you do get her, do not forget to check our guide for Xianyun.


Genshin Impact Ayaka Elemental Burst
Ayaka’s Elemental Burst is great at getting plenty of reactions off at once.

Ayaka is a fantastic Cryo damage dealer that can displace foes with her Elemental Skill and obliterate them with ice-cold snowstorms from her Elemental Burst. As a sword user, Ayaka has access to some incredibly powerful weapons, with Mistsplitter Reforged and Blackcliff Longsword being among the best. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Ayaka’s best build in Genshin Impact


Kazuha looking out to sea in Genshin Impact
Kazuha is a popular Genshin Impact character in Spiral Abyss.

Inazuma’s wondering samurai has plenty of secret techniques that give this 5-star Anemo character an edge in battle. His Elemental Skill pulls nearby opponents towards him and launches them into the air, while his Burst delivers a single slash that delivers enough force to eliminate even the toughest enemy. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Kazuha’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Zhongli in battle
Zhongli is a powerful Geo ally useful in every Genshin Impact team comp.

This tanky Geo character is a staple pick in most meta Genshin Impact teams. After all, having a unit that can provide damage sponging shields, deal lethal AoE damage, and lockdown waves of enemies is useful for any comp. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Zhongli’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Venti using his ultimate in Genshin Impact
Venti’s Elemental Burst can help wipe out waves of enemies.

Teyvat’s godly bard is a fantastic support character that can group large amounts of enemies together with his Elemental Burst. Once Venti’s ultimate is up, simply set it loose and get ready to wipe out all your enemies in one swift swoop. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Venti’s best build in Genshin Impact.

Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun in Inazuma
Raiden Shogun’s coordinated attacks make her a great support character.

Raiden Shogun is currently one of the best Electro supports in the game. This is largely down to her Elemental Skill (Eye of Stormy Judgment), which enables her to buff her allies’ damage and unleash coordinated attacks alongside them. 

Additionally, at Constellation 2, she becomes one of the strongest DPS units in the game as she can ignore 60% of the enemy’s defense. Her burst receives a massive damage boost and she becomes a must-have for boss fights.

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Raiden Shogun’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Fischl shooting an Electro arrow
Fischl can consistently apply Electro thanks to Oz.

While Fischl may not be the best Electro character in the game, her ability to constantly apply the element with Oz is what makes her so special. Fischl doesn’t even have to be on the field, so simply unleash Oz and switch into your main DPS to begin utilizing the increased damage from Superconduct. 


Ayato with Haran Geppaku Futsu Genshin Impact
Ayato is the latest character to join Genshin Impact’s best characters.

Ayato uses the Hydro element to create watery illusions that taunt his enemies and rain down deadly AoE attacks, which enable him to cut them down with tremendous precision. This makes him particularly powerful in Freeze, Superconduct, and Melt team comps.

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Ayato’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Bennett celebrating in Genshin Impact
Bennett is an integral part of the best Genshin Impact character team comps.

Bennett may be a 4-star character, but his kit is really that of a 5-star. Bennett’s kit is incredibly versatile. In fact, once you’ve used this character’s ultimate, you be able to enhance your DPS’ damage and even heal them. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Bennett’s best build in Genshin Impact.


An image of Yelan a character from Genshin Impact
Yelan is the latest addition to Genshin Impact, introduced in the 2.7 update.

Yelan is Genshin Impact’s latest 5-star long-ranged fighter, who was introduced in the 2.7 update. She can create some great AoE damage and effectively take on groups of enemies thanks to her Hydro bow attacks that rains down an onslaught of deadly arrows on the opponent. Her charged attack prepares a more precisely aimed shot for additional Hydro damage.

To top it off she has excellent agility that can be utilized during her Lingering Lifeline elemental burst.

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Yelan’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Ganyu abilities
Ganyu dominates the battlefield with critical Cryo hits.

Ganyu is the best bow user in Genshin Impact. In fact, her charged Cryo shots can easily eliminate even the toughest of enemies, especially when you’re running a Freeze comp. She may be incredibly squishy, but her Elemental Skill and ranged attacks will keep you out of harm’s way. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Ganyu’s best build in Genshin Impact.

Hu Tao

Hu Tao abilities
Hu Tao’s abilities are tailored around the Pyro element.

Those lucky enough to have secured Hu Tao in her rerun banner will be able to unleash some truly dizzying damage numbers. Equipping this ghostly girl with the Staff of Homa and Crimson Witch Artifact set will enable travelers to set Teyvat ablaze in no time. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Hu Tao’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Xingqiu Genshin Impact
Xingqiu is a great addition to any Genshin Impact team comp.

Xingqiu’s Elemental Skill and Burst provide plenty of ways for your main damage dealers to apply Hydro to your enemies. Simply use Xingqiu abilities, then switch out to any melee DPS units and you’ll be applying plenty of elemental reactions in no time. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Xingqiu’s best build in Genshin Impact.

A-tier Genshin Impact characters


A screenshot from the game Genshin Impact
Chevreuse is one of the best 4-star units in the game.

Chevreuse is a pretty interesting unit in Genshin Impact. She is a support who can buff the damage of Pyro and Electro units depending on the Overloaded reaction. She can heal as well which comes in handy when fighting in Spiral Abyss.

The fun aspect about Chevreuse is that, her buffs are on par with Constellation 2 Kazuha and she synergizes with the Raiden National team exceptionally well. She does not have uses everywhere, but her she is the best option when going for Overloaded reaction.

Therefore, if you still do not have her, you must get her in the future. Additionally, if you are getting her, do not forget to check our detailed guide for Chevreuse.


An image of Scaramouche in Genshin Impact.
Scaramouche was introduced as a playable character in the version 3.3 update.

Scaramouche, also known as the Wanderer, was finally introduced as a playable character in 3.3 after previously being cemented as one of the game’s primary antagonists.

This Fatui Harbinger is a 5-star Anemo wielder who is a perfect main DPS in any team thanks to his high damage output, AoE attacks, and his hovering ability which can be used after activating his Elemental Skill.


An official image of Cyno in Genshin Impact.
Cyno was introduced in the 3.1 update.

Cyno is an Electro character who was introduced in 3.1. With an arsenal of swift and powerful polearm attacks and abilities, he makes a great DPS in any team comp. His Elemental Burst in particular can deal sufficient amounts of AoE damage and has an impressive extended up-time of 18-seconds.

If you want some tips on how to find Cyno’s Ascension materials, check out our guide here.


Beidou using her parry ability
Beidou’s Genshin Impact parry is one of the most satisfying abilities in the game.

Nothing is more satisfying than parrying an enemy’s attack and unleashing it straight back at them. Well, that’s exactly what the Electro character Beidou excels at. Not only can this stalwart Claymore user bring the game’s monolithic bosses to their knees, but she can also channel the same monstrous energy in her Burst. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Beidou’s best build in Genshin Impact.


A screenshot of Lyney from Genshin Impact
Lyney is a Pyro user.

Lyney is a brand new Pyro character in Genshin Impact who makes a great DPS in most team comps. Lyney really shines when he’s battling enemies who are affected by Pyro as all of his damage is further increased thanks to his passive abilities.

You can check out our full build guide for Lyney here.

Yae Miko

Genshin Impact hero Yae Miko trailer screenshot.
The 5-star character made her debut in Update 2.5.

After having a rocky start since her introduction in 2.5, Yae Miko has finally been fixed and she now works as a great DPS in most team comps. She has a powerful elemental burst that deals AoE damage by summoning a bolt of lightning down on nearby enemies. She can also throw out three Fox Turrets that deal continued damage on the field.

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Yae Miko’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Xiao in a dungeon Genshin Impact
Xiao provides great aerial mobility.

As one of Genshin Impact’s Adeptus, Xiao is capable of delivering devastating damage to those that dare oppose him. Xiao uses his Anemo skills to leap into the skies above, before pointing his polearm downwards and obliterating any enemies below him. Speed and style are everything when using this 5-star unit. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Xiao’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Kokomi Genshin Impact
Kokomi may be a healer, but she still does decent damage.

Kokomi is a 5-star Hydro Catalyst that is highly revered for her ability to keep her allies safe from harm’s way, providing them with game-changing heals that can turn the tide of even the fiercest of fights.

The lead resistance fighter is one of the most popular 5-star units in the Spiral Abyss, so if you’re after a great healer that can effortlessly apply Hydro, then Kokomi is a great choice. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Kokomi’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Tighnari firing bow in Genshin Impact
Tighnari is a great DPS addition to any team.

Tighnari is Genshin Impact’s first Dendro character and can fill the DPS role in any team comp. He specializes in powerful attacks that can hone in on enemies and deal big AoE damage.

His Elemental Skill, Vijnana-Phala Mine, summons illusions that can taunt opponents and pull the attention away from Tighnari and his teammates, creating the opportunity to set up solid countermeasures if you’re in an overwhelming combat situation.

Arataki Itto

Itto in the Genshin Impact Special Program 2.3 show
Itto pummels his enemies with incredibly strong Geo-based attacks.

While the Geo element is filled with many strong units, the latest character that is making a splash is none other than Arataki Itto. Itto is a 5-star Geo character that wields a deadly claymore and uses Oni-based abilities to strike fear into his enemies. If you’re after physical damage DPS that really packs a punch, then Itto is your man.

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Arataki Itto’s best build in Genshin Impact


Xiangling in a field
Xiangling is the best free-to-play character in Genshin Impact.

The best Genshin Impact characters often have abilities that can be left on the battlefield, which enable travelers to quickly cycle through characters. Well, this is exactly what Xiangling excels at.

Throwing out her lovable mascot and unleashing her fiery ultimate will ensure that any team is consistently applying Pyro damage.

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Xiangling’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Diluc ability
Setting your opponents ablaze is all part of the fun when playing as Diluc.

As a Pyro claymore user, Diluc brings the heat to any fight. If you’re after a character that can effortlessly break through tanky shields or a just looking to scorch your foes with his high-damage ultimate, then Diluc is a great pick. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Diluc’s best build in Genshin


Eula Genshin Impact
Eula’s Elemental Burst is extremely powerful.

This deadly Cryo unit freezes her opponents with ice-cold blasts and bursts them down with graceful sword swings. As the captain of the Knights of Favonius’ Reconnaissance Company, Eula is no stranger to the hardships of battle. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Eula’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Keqing in Liyue
Keqing delivers lightning-fast Electro attacks.

Keqing is the epitome of a master swordsman. Her Elemental Burst sees the Liyue 5-star apply Electro damage to all opponents at a lightning speed, while her Skill allows Keqing to reposition and effortlessly dodge enemy hits. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Keqing’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Albedo banner rerun
Albedo is a great pick in Genshin Impact.

The Kreideprinz uses his sword and AoE Geo abilities to decimate waves of enemies, while his tanky defenses enable Albedo to effortlessly sponge incoming damage. When the researcher is equipped with the best Artifacts and weapons, the intellectual captain can defeat even the game’s hardiest of enemies.

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Albedo’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Shenhe official Genshin Impact artwork
Shenhe is a fantastic Cryo support.

While Shenhe may not excel as a main DPS in Genshin Impact, her abilities synergize extremely well with Cryo DPS characters. In fact, when her Elemetal Skill and Burst are used in coordination with Ganyu and Ayaka, Shenhe can raise their damage to truly incredible numbers.

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Shenhe’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Mona using her abilities in Genshin Impact
Mona is one of the best Hydro support characters in Genshin Impact.

This mystical mage Mora seeking mage is a great pick for any team comp that is looking to constantly barrage their enemies with Hydro attacks. Mona’s Elemental Skill also taunts enemies, while her Burst makes enemies Wet and can even stun weaker foes, giving players the perfect opportunity to deliver the killing blow. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Mona’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Childe sitting down in Genshin Impact
Childe can be built as both a Main and Sub DPS.

Childe is a 5-star bow character who dominates the battlefield with deadly Hydro-based attacks, eliminating enemies with swift precision. As the Eleventh Harbinger of the Fatui, Childe is both feared and revered by those that know him.

Unlike other Genshin Impact characters, Childe can swap between Ranged and Melee forms, which makes him extremely versatile. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Childe’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Jean makes an excellent support in Genshin Impact.

As the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, Jean is renowned for her tireless efforts in keeping Mondstadt safe. Jean combines plenty of crowd control thanks to the knock-ups from her Elemental Skill and Burst, while the latter also heals all nearby allies. It’s this lifesaving skill that makes Jean such a strong pick. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Jean’s best build in Genshin Impact.

B-tier Genshin Impact characters


An image of Heizou from Genshin Impact, a new four-star character from version 2.8.
Heizou uses his fists to deliver powerful punches to enemies.

Despite being a four-star character, Heizou’s Anemo abilities allow him to sweep his enemies off their feet rather easily. Be it his Heartstopper Strike or his Windmuster attack, the Detective of the Tenryou Commission is definitely someone you’d want in your combat party.

Don’t forget to check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Heizou’s best build in Genshin Impact.


An image of Faruzan in Genshin Impact.
Faruzan was introduced in 3.3.

Another new character introduced in 3.3 is the 4-star Anemo user Faruzan. This bow user has some strong AoE crowd-control abilities. Another of Faruzan’s biggest strengths comes in her Lost Wisdom of the Seven Caverns passive skill that grants increased Anemo damage to any nearby teammates.

These combined skills can make Faruzan a solid support option in any team comp.


A screenshot of Lynette from Genshin Impact
Lynette is a solid support unit in Genshin Impact.

Lynette is a 4-star Ameno user who can slot into most team comps in a support role. Her skillset allows her to deal AoE Ameno damage on the battlefield as well as restore her own health. While she’s not the best support character in the game, players can obtain her for free so it’s well worth trying her out in combat.

You can check out our full build guide for Lynette here.


Sucrose in Mondstadt
Sucrose makes a great Anemo support.

Sucrose’s abilities share similarities to that of Venti’s, as her command of the Anemo element enables her to pull nearby enemies. Her Elemental Burst is particularly useful in teams that wish to heighten the effects of Hydro, Pyro, Cryo, and Electro damage. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Sucrose’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Diona firing an arrow
Diona may be small, but she can deliver icy judgment to waves of enemies.

This pint-sized Cryo character is a great choice for those that want a Cryo support that can both apply shields and heal allied units. The shield scales of Diona’s Max HP and can save you from incoming attacks, while the heals from her Burst keep you fighting long after your food supplies have run dry. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Diona’s best build in Genshin Impact


Barbara sitting on a windmill
Barbara is Genshin Impact’s classic healer class.

Unlike her older sister, Jean, Barbara takes on the role of Genshin Impact’s archetypal healer class. In fact, all of Barbara’s abilities are tailored around healing her allies.

This is particularly useful if you’re struggling to beat the game’s bosses or Spiral Abyss. Unfortunately, her damage and overall use are greatly outmatched by other healing-based supports in the game. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Barbara’s best build in Genshin Impact.

Kujou Sara

Kujou Sara firing an arrow in Genshin Impact
Kujou Sara is known for her loyalty to Raiden Shogun.

Kujou Sara is the General of the Tenryou Commission and an avid supporter of Inazuma’s Raiden Shogun. This Electro bow unit can quickly reposition herself with her Elemental Skill, which also deals AoE damage, while her Burst provides a buff to the active character’s damage. 


Yanfei in Liyue
Yanfei can buff her own attacks.

Yanfei is a Pyro catalyst character that buffs her attacks depending on the number of Scarlet Seal stacks she has. Her Elemental Burst brings forth a small AoE of flames that burn nearby opponents, while also rewarding her with the maximum number of Scarlet Seals. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Yanfei’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Gorou in Genshin Impact with his bow
Gorou is a ranged Geo support character.

Gorou is a 4-star Geo archer who excels at buffing his allies with various defensive bonuses, particularly to those who share the Geo element. This makes him a fantastic utility support, so be sure to add him to your team if you’re looking for a reliable pick.


Klee running in Genshin Impact
Klee provides an explosive twist to combat.

Klee may look small and unimposing, but Mondstadst’s mischief-maker is renowned for her ability to decimate anything that so much as moves. If you like the idea of tossing out Pyro-infused explosives and laying down little bomb-based traps, then Klee could be the character you’re after. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Klee’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Rosaria looking at her knife
Rosaria’s Burst is great for triggering various elemental reactions.

Rosaria is a 4-star polearm character that excels at constantly applying AoE Cryo damage with her ultimate. Once active, Rosaria summons an Ice Lance that strikes the ground and periodically releases Cryo to all nearby enemies. This is particularly useful for Freeze teams and applying Superconduct. 


Collei looking at boomerang in Genshin Impact closeup
Collei is a new Dendro character in Genshin Impact.

Collei is another new Dendro character that was introduced in the Sumeru region. She has a handy set of tools and abilities that make her a strong sub-DPS for a team in need of more Elemental Reactions.

She can deal ranged Dendro damage with her signature bow, as well as AoE damage using her Elemental Burst, Trump-Card Kitty, in which she throws out her adorable cat-shaped doll which deals Dendro damage to all nearby enemies. Her Elemental Skill, Floral Brush, throws out a Boomerang-style ring that deals damage on its way to targets and on the way back.

C-Tier Genshin Impact characters


Freminet wielding a sword
Freminet is a solid DPS.

Freminet is a Claymore-wielding Cyro user who works as a professional diver in the Fontaine region. He is the younger sibling of twins Lyney & Lynette. Unlike his brother and sister, however, he prefers to stay out of the spotlight.

He primarily uses AoE abilities which make him great for crowd control and he could make a solid DPS option in most team comps.

For of full list of Freminets ascension materials, check our our guide here.


Genshin Impact Candace splash
Candace is a Hydro polearm user.

Candace is a Hydro polearm user who was introduced in the 3.1 update. Candace is best used in team comps as a Sub-DPS who can provide strong support for her teammates. Her Elemental Skill can effectively push back waves of enemies as she either rushes forward to deal Hydro damage or uses her shield to block incoming attacks.

Her Elemental Burst deals AoE damage based on her Max HP. Any Sword, Claymore, or Hydro users who step into the area will also obtain Hydro infusion.


Razor talking to Bennett
Razor’s ultimate can make short work of even the tankiest of enemies.

Razor was raised by the Wolf of the North, Andrius, since he was an infant. Not only does the Electro claymore unit channel this animalistic nature in his fighting style, but he becomes one with the wolf when using his Elemental Burst. Razor excels as a main DPS unit, dealing plenty of damage considering his status as a 4-star.


Noelle splash art
Noelle was previously available in the Zhongli banner.

Serving as the Knights of Favonius’ maid, Noelle is known for her loyalty and ability to keep her allies safe from danger. Her Geo-based shield can block even the most damaging attacks and even heal her team. Equip Noelle with the craftable Whiteblind Claymore and you have a 4-star Geo unit that can dish out decent damage. 


Chongyun eating an ice-lolly
Chongyun uses Cryo attacks to freeze his foes.

As a claymore Cryo unit, Chongyun is the perfect accomplice to plenty of Cryo-based teams, particularly for the upcoming 5-star, Shenhe. Chongyun’s Elemental Skill unleashes an AoE Cryo explosion, which also infuses Claymore and Polearm-wielding characters with Cryo attacks. His Burst provides further AoE Cry and launches opponents into the air. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Chongyun’s best build in Genshin Impact.

Yun Jin

Genshin Impact Yun Jin cutscene screenshot.
The 4-star Hero made her debut in the Version 2.4 Genshin Impact update.

Yun Jin combines her lightning-fast attacks with the added bonus of the Geo element. Like most of the game’s Geo-based characters, the Liyue performer supports her allies with tanky shields and AoE damage. She may not be as strong as Itto or Zhongli, but she is a great support choice for Geo-based teams.

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Yun Jin’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Kaeya in Mondstadt
Kaeya can be obtained for free in Genshin Impact.

Kaeya is one of Genshin Impact’s free 4-star characters, which means all players have access to this Cryo unit. Just like Xiangling, Kaeya Elemental Burst has a similar effect. Once activated, Kaeya will enshroud himself and his allies with Cryo and damage any enemies that stray too close.

This makes it particularly useful if you wish to combine various ultimates without having to switch between characters. 


Thoma using his ability in Genshin Impact
Thoma uses his fiery Polearm attacks to melt through his enemies.

Thoma was released as a playable character in Inazuma’s 2.2 update, which saw the rerelease of Hu Tao. As a Pyro polearm user, Thoma delivers fast and flashy attacks that set his foes ablaze. The added shield from his Elemental Skill can help give Thoma a little bit of survivability, while the AoE Pyro damage and added damage from his Elemental Skill make him an accomplice to Hu Tao. 


Yoimiya abilities
Yoimiya is capable of dishing out huge amounts of Pyro damage.

Inazuma is home to plenty of unique characters, but none are quite as explosive as Yoimiya.  This 5-Star Pyro character uses her bow to bring fiery justice to her enemies, engulfing them in a flurry of scorching hot flames. As the owner of Inazuma’s Naganohara Fireworks shop, Yoimiya eliminates her foes with a bang. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Yoimiya’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Ningguang using abilities in Genshin Impact
Ningguang bombards enemies with ranged Geo attacks.

Whether you need to solve Genshin Impact’s overworld Geo puzzles or just wish to apply attacks from range, then Ningguang is a great pick. Her Elemental Skill blocks opponents’ projectiles and provides AoE Geo damage. When Ningguang’s Jade Screen is combined with her Elemental Burst, you’ll be able to barrage foes with a constant flurry of Geo attacks. 


Xinyan in a Genshin Impact Domain
Xinyan brings plenty of Pyro abilities to the field.

Genshin Impact’s resident rockstar delivers fiery performances that set her enemies ablaze and shield incoming damage. Her Elemental Burst launches nearby opponents and deals physical damage to them, while her killer performance will also cause explosions that deal Pyro damage. 


Qiqi using her abilities in Genshin Impact
Qiqi’s heals can turn the tide of even the fiercest of fights.

Having a support that can both periodically heal your active DPS and reward them for dealing damage is a bonus for any team. Qiqi’s ultimate does just that as it applies a special talisman onto all nearby enemies.

When an allied unit strikes a unit with the mark, they will receive a heal based on the damage dealt. If you find yourself often taking a lot of damage in combat, then Qiqi is a great support choice. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about QiQi’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Sayu Genshin Impact
Sayu’s overall speed makes her great at overworld exploration.

Genshin Impact’s resident Ninja is none other than, Sayu. This pint-sized character can often be found sleeping the day away in secluded forests, but once she puts her mind to a task, there’s very little her enemies can do.  

While she may not excel at doing damage, Sayu’s speed and healing capabilities keep herself and her allies safe from danger. 


Traveler and Paimon in Genshin Impact
The Traveler is one of the worst characters in Genshin Impact.

Despite being the main character of Genshin Impact, both Aether and Lumine just don’t excel at any particular element. This will come as no surprise as they can freely switch between each. In fact, you’re best off using any of the characters above if you wish to maximize your combat effectiveness. 

D-Tier Genshin Impact characters


An image of Dehya in Genshin Impact.
Dehya was introduced in the 3.5 update.

Dehya is a brand new Pyro character who was added to the game in the 3.5 update. She belongs to the Faction of Eremites, a band of warriors who don’t belong to any particular nation and act as mercenaries who will carry out tasks for the highest profit.

Dehya can create AoE fields that deal powerful Pyro damage to enemies while also buffing her own knockback resistance. Unfortunately, many Genshin Impact players have voiced their frustrations over her lackluster damage. In fact, the 5-star Pyro character can make a full rotation of her skills and still not kill even the easiest of bosses.

Because of this, we’ve placed Dehaya in C-tier. Hopefully, HoYoverse will buff her in a future update and enable her to climb up the rankings.


Aloy abilities
Aloy commands the battlefield with Cryo abilities.

Being the protagonist from Horizon Zero Dawn, Aloy is well equipped for many a tough battle. This fighting spirit translates over to the world of Genshin Impact, where players can use her AoE Cryo abilities to freeze enemies dead in their tracks. Aloy performs very similarly to Ganyu, so those familiar with the Plenilune Gaze will feel right at home. 

Check out our dedicated guide for everything you need to know about Aloy’s best build in Genshin Impact.


Lisa in Genshin Impact
Lisa is another decent free-to-play 4-star character.

Lisa is known as the Sumeru region’s most distinguished graduate and it’s certainly not hard to see why. While she may be a free 4-star unit, Lisa can deliver a lot of Electro-based damage when kitted out with the best weapons and Artifacts. The AoE nature of her abilities also makes her a great sub-DPS and support should you need to apply Electro onto your opponents. 


Amber in the Genshin Impact anniversary video
Amber is currently one of the worse characters in Genshin Impact.

Amber has been neglected by the Genshin Impact community since her release and sadly, it’s not hard to see why. Not only does she deal lackluster damage, but she is outclassed by every Pyro character in the game. It’s because of this, that you’re best off switching her out as soon as possible. 

So, there you have it, the best Genshin Impact characters ranked. We’ll be updating this tier list whenever new characters are released, so make sure you bookmark this page and come back once the 4.1 update goes live. In the meantime, be sure to check out our other Genshin Impact guides below:

Does Genshin Impact have mod support? | Games like Genshin Impact | Best Barbara build in Genshin Impact | Best Genshin Impact Wish Simulators | Genshin Impact stats tracker | Is Genshin Impact cross-platform? | All free characters in Genshin Impact | Genshin Impact pick rates | What is Pity in Genshin Impact? | Where to get Radish in Genshin Impact | Where to find your screenshot folder in Genshin Impact

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