Genshin Impact player stunned by “unlucky” Yun Jin banner encounter

James Busby
Yun Jin winking

A Genshin Impact player has been left stunned after an unlucky encounter with Yun Jin led to a hilarious banner pull. 

The Genshin Impact Lantern Rite Festival is well underway and players are currently busy delving into the game’s latest events. While Xianyun and the free Primogem rewards are the highlights of this update, Travelers can also get their hands on a free 4-star. 

Not only is this a great way to grab some extra Constellations for units you already have, but it’s also a good time for Travelers to unlock any units that have evaded them. However, one player found that sometimes certain characters can surprise you at the most unexpected of times. 

Genshin Impact player left stunned by troll Yun Jin banner pull

Posting on the official Genshin Impact Reddit page, u/_IOME shared a clip of them using the 4-star character selector. They decided to choose Yun Jin as they didn’t have many Geo characters in their team, so this decision made the most sense. 

After picking Yun Jin, the player then proceeded to raise the Polarm character to level 40, which in turn rewarded them with a free Acquaint Fate. This single Aquaint Fate was then used to roll on Genshin Impact’s standard banner, which gives Travelrs the chance to add four and five-star characters to their team. 

Well, unfortunately for u/_IOME, Yun Jin decided to grace their screen once again – with the character being unlocked for a second time, just after they’d used the free 4-star selector to pick her. 

As if stunned by this turn of events, the player simply watched in disbelief as Yun Jin’s portrait emblazoned the screen. “That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen today. Thank you,” joked one player. 

Another Traveler also recounted how Yun Jin also trolled them with unlucky banner pulls. “I can confirm Yun Jin is the trolliest 4-star for many of us just like OP. I pulled for Yun Jin on the Yoimiya banner, I got Yoi >