GTA 6 fans demand Rockstar stop “trolling” by posting VI-style logos

Michael Gwilliam
GTA 6 by rockstar games

Grand Theft Auto fans keep looking for hints from Rockstar Games about GTA 6, but all they’re finding is frustration.

GTA 6 is easily one of, if not the most-anticipated game of all time. So far, all Rockstar has been quite mum on the subject, only stating that the game is in development and it must exceed player expectations.

Despite not having any official trailers or content, fans have been combing through everything Rockstar posts on social media or adds to GTA games for clues on the next title and have come up mostly empty-handed, with a few exceptions.

That changed on August 18 when Rockstar posted a video with a logo that, for some, looked an awful lot like the roman numerals VI. Sadly, this was not the case at all, prompting further anger from fans.

GTA 6 fans are fed-up with Rockstar’s teasing

The tweet from Rockstar Games revealed that the Imponte Ruiner ZZ-8 muscle car would be available in GTA Online and players seemed glued to the manufacturer’s logo.

Imponte is based on General Motors’ Pontiac and its logo looks a bit like a VI, leading some fans to originally think Rockstar was teasing GTA 6.

However, their hopes were dashed after learning the logo isn’t new and has existed for quite some time. Still, its timing and the logo’s similarities to VI made some accuse Rockstar of trolling.

gta 6 leak online
Fans are obsessed with finding GTA 6 clues.

“Ok, they’re literally playing us like a fiddle. That was literally done on purpose,” a user commented on GTAForums.

“Rockstar just playing with us. That’s always been the logo for the Imponte, they just highlighted it like that to have fun because they know we would react,” another wrote on Reddit.

“Rockstar trollling,” said another.

It’s not clear whether or not Rockstar really is trying to tease players or not, but as fans continued to wait for news on GTA 6, literally everything will be under a microscope.