Players show Rockstar what GTA 6 needs from Grand Theft Auto 4

Alan Bernal

Players want Rockstar Games to take notes from their Grand Theft Auto 4 map, Liberty City, for GTA 6 to take the franchise to another level.

The anticipation for GTA 6 has players dreaming up their perfect wishlist for the legendary franchise’s upcoming title. Seeing as GTA 5 will likely eclipse the decade mark before the next game comes out, there’s a lot riding on Rockstar’s yet-to-be-revealed project.

People are confident Rockstar Games can knock it out of the park for their next game, but there are still some wishlist features that players don’t want the devs to ignore for GTA 6.

It’s because of this that longtime fans are looking back at Grand Theft Auto 4’s environment, which made Liberty City come alive in a unique way.

The GTA community agreed with ‘reddit_user335’ when they showed a screencap of downtown LC from the Ballad of Gay Tony then suggested Rockstar should zone in on the attention around the city.

“Dude GTA 4’s map is so dense and well detailed,” they said. “I think [Rockstar] should focus on details on the map more than size.”

GTA 5’s Los Santos is huge and it’s kept players really busy for years. With technical advancements since their last release, players want the studio to key in on the finer details to make GTA 6’s map pop.

To that end, there are people who wouldn’t mind if GTA 6 had a smaller playable area if Rockstar looked to refine the insides of buildings and the like.

gta 4
As Liberty City evolved, Rockstar hit the perfect balance between scale and a detailed environment.

“I would prefer a smaller map where way more buildings are enterable and have missions featuring them this next time around,” another player said.

People were quick to point out the insanely detailed environments of Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar’s other tentpole franchise. The studio has shown its knack for populous and meticulously designed towns.

As Rockstar look to push the boundaries on the Grand Theft Auto 6, it wouldn’t be surprising if the devs hit on both a large playground for players with a finer attention to detail for the smaller things.