Rumored GTA 6 reveal date finally arrives and fans think Rockstar are trolling

Ryan Lemay
sad GTA 6

If you had your X alerts on for Rockstar, expecting a GTA 6 trailer, the devs may have broken a few phones on October 24.

Several rumored GTA 6 announcement dates have been leaked over the past few months, but none have come to fruition. Most recently, players locked in October 24 as the date for an announcement trailer. This all stems from the studio historically unveiling new titles in October and making big announcements on Tuesdays.

Rockstar added fuel to the fire by uploading an unpublished video to their website, insinuating something soon. Just when you think it couldn’t get weirder, a Reddit user claimed their wife worked at Rockstar and revealed trailer details, including a shot-by-shot recap and its music.

With anticipation at an all-time high, the rumored date finally rolled around. But instead of a pulsating trailer, the devs came bearing a different kind of gift.

GTA 6 fans trolled with new skin on rumored trailer release date

On October 24, instead of a GTA 6 trailer, Rockstar revealed a new Red Dead Online outfit.

This comes after leakers such as Hai expected a GTA 6 announcement based on an alleged leaked recording from the director of Take-Two.

Community members expressed their frustration over the alleged trolling in the comment section.

One player responded: “I might get old, have three kids, split up with my wife, and Grand Theft Auto 6 still won’t be announced.”

Other comments ranged from “All the hype since yesterday for this tweet?” to, “Why must you play with my emotions Rockstar?”

Then, in desperation, community members searched over every inch of the Red Dead Online announcement image for any signs of a GTA 6 hint.

GTA fans’ long, painful wait for any sort of GTA 6 news continues. Stay locked into our coverage for any developments in the ongoing saga.